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Tuesday, March 15, 2038

Clear Skies

No more memories, Y/N, you need to focus. Thinking about him will only make you feel worse. Maybe later I could hang out with Chloe and Kamski, see how they're doing.. but never mind that, let's get to work. 


After a while of driving, I parked and made my way up to the station. Walking in was the usual: papers, phone calls, and the light sound of small talk. But a loud voice took away that calm atmosphere.


A huge body bear-hugged me. I didn't even recognize who it was till I saw his grey hair. "Hey, hank!" I choked. God, was he suffocating me, but it's nice to know people care...

"You didn't answer any of my text or Connors," he said, untangling himself from me.

I rolled my eyes, thinking back to Gavin. "I would have, but I had to deal with someone..." 

"Well, you might wanna talk to Connor. He's been moping around waiting for you."

"Will do!" I chirped before walking into the station and immediately being wrapped into a hug by Connor, Tina, and nines. I couldn't help but feel absolutely disgusted by the last two hugging me. Nines knows what he did and I know she knew about them. But just be friendly and don't make a problem out of anything.

"I know we're all big fans of Y/N, but I gotta talk to him!" I heard Fowler yell.

Everyone quickly ran off, going back to what they were doing, but Connor whispered in my ear
"When you're done, come sit next to me" before running off back to his desk.

I nodded with a smile and made my way up to Fowler's office. "How are you feeling? Y/N"

"A mix of sad, scared, happy, and free!" I responded with a hopeful tone.

"Well, you're gonna be on paperwork until I feel you've fully recovered"

"Sounds like a plan! Anything else?"

"No, that's all. For now, you can go now," he said, saluting me with two fingers.

I walked down the stairs from his office and went straight to the break room to get a cup of water. A nervous voice spoke up from behind me and the annoyance in me peaked. "Hey, nines.." I said, rolling my eyes.

"You look great!"

I turned around with the cup of water in my hand and just stared at him before walking past him to sit with Connor. Tina quickly stopped me in my tracks. "Can we talk?"

"No thanks," I snarled before walking around her and plopping down in the chair next to Connors. He wasn't anywhere to be seen so I couldn't help but look around tapping my pen gently taking in the smell of coffee and this sweet lemon smell, but I was interrupted by 2 hands wrapping around my neck and Connors's head resting against my shoulder.

"Hey, Connor," I yelped, slightly blushing. I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy this kind of contact with him.

"Don't you think you should be working instead of staring off into space?" he said with some mischievous in his voice. He started playing with the little piece of hair falling down my face before quickly pecking me on the cheek and unwrapping himself from my neck. "So Y/N you have a LOT of paperwork to do," he joked, sitting down next to me.

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