🗡ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 5🗡

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After a few hours of working it started getting dark and the only souls still at the station were me and Connor.

"Connor why exactly are you still here?" I yawned

"Cause we still have to go out to the event thing I told you about!"

"Wait it's today? Shit.." I groaned before taking Connors hand and speed walking towards my car.

"Why are we in a rush again?" Connor laughed

"Cause I wanna look nice."

"You already look nice and it's a bar Y/N"

"Well if I look even "nicer" maybe I'll snag myself a date or two" I teased putting my keys in the ignition and driving off.

" Two!?" He hollered staring at me.

"I'm kidding Connor, To be honest I just like getting dressed up but why would it matter to you if I wanted to date?"

"Well.. I kinda thought this was a date.." he murmured scratching his neck.

I couldn't help but feel bad I mean he never mentioned this being a date, nor did it give me that kinda vibe but I mean why not?

"Well I guess it's date then! And also we're here at my lovely home, so I'll be right back!" I leave my keys in the ignition and quickly make my way into my house.

"Alright Y/N something cute but not to formal, It's a bar" I mutter to myself making my way to my room  before noticing Gavin laying on my bed.

"Hey babe" he chirped 

"Gavin what are you doing here?"

"Well... I thought I could properly apologize and maybe change your mind about everything."

"Y/N Hurry up! We're gonna be late" I hear Connor shout.

"Ya! We're gonna be late Y/N" Gavin shouts maliciously.

I could hear The door open then Connors footsteps to my room before looking at Gavin then looking at me.
"Why's he here?"

"I- he was-" I stuttered

"I wanted to join you guys! So let's go" Gavin blurted out before taking both our hands and leading us out to the car.

Me and Connor looked at eachother before getting in the car and making our way to the bar.

"So Connor why were you there?" Gavin questioned in the backseat.

"Well I was taking Y/N there as my date but-"

"O really?" He said glaring at me.

"Y/N how do you feel about this? You like him?"Gavin Continued.

"Ya i like him." I snapped looking at him before parking and getting out to enter the bar.

𝘽𝙀𝙏𝙍𝘼𝙔𝘼𝙇 | Connor X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now