🗡ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 9🗡

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"I'm back everyone!"
Everyone's eyes in the station went to me, I could see some of them mumbling and whispering to each other before I noticed they were looking behind me.
"You work at a police station?"
I turned my body to face him.
"Yes I do but don't worry about them, Now let's go"
I guided Him to my desk and pulled up an extra chair.

"So you sit here while I find out what the hell I'm doing" I smile before making my to Fowler's office.

This is gonna be a wild day I can already tell... Let's see what he has for me, I lightly knock on the glass door and open it.
"Y/N what is the point of knocking on a door if you're just gonna walk in?" He says with a heavy amount of sarcasm.
"Well the office is glass and you know... You didn't look busy" I snicker playing with my fingers.

"Sit before I fire you"
I quickly make my way to the seat.
"Since you have fully recovered I wanna put you on a case."
I could feel the smile grow on my face.

"Yes,"  he says rolling his eyes before taking out some paperwork.
"Who's my partner?"

"Connor also your little "friend" can't go with but he's allowed to stay at your desk and NOT be a nuisance"

I haven't talked to Connor since the incident.. he must be either worried or freaked out. I guess this was inevitable..
"He won't promise! Thank you so much!" I say engulfing him Into a hug.
"Alright alright now go," he says patting me on the back.
I make my way out of his office and to my seat before poking Chris in his head.
He looks up from his phone and gives me a fake smile.
"It's not that boring I swear, Look I'm going on an investigation today and they said I shouldn't bring you with me... So go make friends or something"
He gives me this familiar look, It was just like when he hit my mother...  Just this dead stare.
"Who's your partner then?"
I look down at my fingers breaking eye contact
"His name is Connor, he's my boyfriend"
He lifts my head making me stare into his blue eyes and grabs my hand squeezing it.
"Y/N what are you doing?"
I jolt up immediately letting go of all contact with Chris.
"Connor, hey! I missed you" 
I say wrapping him into a hug and kissing his cheek.
His eyes dart to Chris then back to me.
"Come on we have to go," he says walking out the building.
Fuck! Y/N you get back and you're already fucking everything up.  i guess I should go.
"Talk later okay?" I say looking back at Chris
he just smirks and goes back to his phone, I make my way outside the station and to the car opening the door and sitting down.  "Look I know what it looked like but it wasn't like that"

"You and Gavin were a couple?"
I could feel my heartbeat a little faster, why do I feel so guilty...
"I was gonna tell you, I promise I just-"

"Just what? Make me the rebound then move onto another guy?"

I could feel myself getting upset. So I wiped my eyes trying to keep back the tears.

"i- it wasn't like that Connor... I swear just lemme explain okay?

"Y/N I think we should just be friends."


"Y/N I think we should be friends"

He stared at his hands for a few seconds, A tear ran down his face and he turned to me again.

"Is Gavin in there?"

"yes, why? Y/N your eyes.."
They were jet black it looked like his pupil devoured his whole eye.
he opened the door and stepped out and punching the window shattering it. only to pick a piece of the glass up.
" Y/N stop! stop!" I said getting out of the car and holding him.
His voice was deeper more malicious than before.
"I can't lose you, I won't."

"You won't I promise"
I laid my forehead on his for a while until I saw his eyes go back to normal.
"We have to do this case Y/N"
For a while the car ride was quiet, I could see a tear running down his cheek from time to time. I would squeeze his hand so that he knew I was there. He was gonna kill him for me, I saw it in his eyes.

To be Continued...

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Obsessed | Male Yandere X Male Reader


Corrupted \ Nathan Prescott X Male Reader

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