🗡Final Chapter🗡

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He got up engulfing me in a hug. "We can finally be together forever"
I pushed him off making him fall onto the coffee table. Shattering it in pieces.
"Where's Connor!" He got up pulling the small shards of glass out his back. "In the landfill, Dead."
"No... no YOUR LYING" I yelled backing up.
"It's okay though, we can be together," he said trying to calm me down.
"Chris I will never be with you."
His face went blank"Y/N I'm trying to be nice, You're making it hard" The look from that night with my mother was plastered on his face. "Chris back up.. please," I said backing away into the kitchen.
"Y/N just do your part, BE FUCKING LOVING"
He backed me into the cabinet. I looked to the drawer and pulled a knife out. "Chris please I don't wanna lose anyone else..."
He backed up with a tear running down his face. "You would hurt me?"
I slowly walked backward knife sharply pointed to him. " I don't want too but you're scaring me."
He looked down and sniffled before turning to me with a frown. "Baby put the knife down.." He ran up to me knocking the knife out of my hand. I fell hitting the ground only for him to get on top of me. "Stop fighting me, it'll be quick." He grabbed the knife and slowly inched it towards my heart. everything inside of me boiled as I felt it hit my skin.
"YOU WILL JOIN THE REST IN DEATH" I screamed in a low deep voice. I headbutt him making him jolt back before kicking him off me making him fly and hit the cabinets. I gripped the knife and made my way towards him.
"Y/N please.." he said slowly crawling away.
I slammed the knife into the wood floors slowly walking towards him making the would chip and break apart.
"Y/N I  just wanted us to be together.." he murmured hitting his back on the wall.
I made my way to him taking the knife out of the floor slamming it into his head. The Thirium squirted all over me.
I backed up dropping the knife. I didn't do that... I didn't. I couldn't have... I quickly made my way to the couch and grabbing my phone dialing Kamski.
"Y/N are you okay? Hello?" I stared at the hole in his head and the blue Thirium all over the room.
"Yes- I did something again and... I'm scared"
I'm a murderer, Gavin's dead, and Nines and Connor...
I collapsed onto the couch crying.
"I'm sending someone to clean and get you okay?"
I looked down at my blood-stained hands.
"Okay, thanks.."

An Hour Later...

I got out of the car and took a deep breath making my way to the door. "Y/N! Are you okay?" Chloe yelled pulling me into a hug.
"I- I don't know.."
"Come on," she said guiding me to Kamski.
I walked into his room immediately being wrapped into a hug. "what's wrong, what happened?"
I stared at him and broke down into his arms.
"I don't know what's happening to me Kamski, I keep killing and Connors gone... Gavins gone... Chris too"
I could feel everything in my stomach ache and the tears ran down my face even harder than last time.
"Y/N it's okay look at me," he said lifting my head.
"You have me always."
"wait.." I murmured. He let go of me waiting on my response.
"He said that he paid you for Connors model..."
He stared at me before whistling. A bunch of men walked into the room immediately overpowering me. "Take him to the Lab, He's a failure like the rest"

"Get off me!" I screamed kicking and shoving as the red pool separated showing a stairway. "Chloe! help me!" she looked away, But behind her, I saw Gavin, Connor, and Nines whispering to each other.
"Kamski what's happening!" he smiled at me, as I was escorted down the stairs. I entered this huge lab, it was a big room with a machine of some kind in the middle. The room was all white, androids were standing upright on the left. "what is this?"
They guided me to the machine snapping the claws to my arms and feet.  It lifted me and started taking off my clothes. "Get off me!" I struggled to try to rip them off me to no avail. Fuck fuck fuck they won't come off...
I stopped struggling looking around for any way to escape, I was cold and only had underwear on. I looked down to see Nines, Gavin, and Connor staring at me. "You done struggling yet?" Gavin said with a smirk looking me up and down. I looked in his direction staring at Connor beside him. "Connor.. help me.. please"  He looked at me with a frown not saying anything. He opened his mouth to say something before Gavin interrupted him. "Don't talk to it"

"How are you even alive?" Gavin looked at me before laughing. "There's a chip in my head, That stores all my memories-" Kamski walked in interrupting him. "So when your little Toy shot him, it was as easy as taking it out his head and into another android body"

"Y/N You are the most advanced android out, More advanced than your boyfriend Connor" I looked at Connor who refused to make eye contact with me. "Connor I love you" I yelled.

"Connor I love you" I heard him yell. I looked up at his scared face. "Y/N I'm sorry" his eyes watered before he started crying.  Gavin whispered in my ear. "He's not real, That thing inside him is trying to escape any way it can" I nodded in response.
"You can stop he's not gonna save you" Kamski yelled making Y/N's tears go back into his eyes.
his voice was deep like a growl and his eyes turned to black. " You made me and now wanna destroy me?"  I looked at Gavin who looked afraid. Kamski cleared his throat "You hurt people, Manipulate people"

" I protect him, You people hurt him." I stepped beside Kamski. "You're 2 different people?"
He looked at me smiling. "I don't Control Y/N, Only protect." Kamski grabbed my hand pulling me to the side. "He is lying I promise you." 

"What if he's not? What if Y/N is still in there?" We both looked up at him again. His smile was so big that it tore the skin on his face making him bleed. "Y/N are you there?" his eyes faded back to their natural green color. "Connor help me," he said like a pre-recording.
I looked at Kamski who nodded. "Your not gonna hurt anyone anymore," I said walking to the side of the machine and pulling a lever. The machine activated reading out the time till disassembly.
"Connor Connor, please! I love you! Don't do this! I can be normal I Can. I'll do anything!"
"Please, I'm begging you, please don't disassemble me. "
"Y/N I'm sorry..." Kamski said staring at the Y/N
"I won't cause any problems, I promise! I'll do everything I'm asked to, I won't say another word, you can't kill me yet!" Y/N yelled trying to get out. The tears rolling his face were red.
I looked back at Gavin who was tearing up. "He is not good Gavin, don't fall for this"
"Gavin I love you! Please get me off this fucking machine!"
Y/N stared at me. Eyes black. "You think dissembling me will help?"
"I'll come back, I will! AND I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU" he screamed as his face starting melting off only to show veins and meat.
"Goodbye Y/N"
The machine immediately started lasering his chest exposing his heart. It was a black stone
I looked away as I heard his screams stop immediately
"Operation Complete, Heart recovered"
The machine said dropping it into Kamski's hands.
"If it was evil why didn't it kill you Connor? or me? Or Gavin? he never hurt us. It was just scared" Chloe said from behind us.
She had a point. He never hurt me or her or anyone. Only people who pushed it over the edge...
"Kamski I think we made a mistake," I said as my stomach started aching.
"We made a mistake, Kamski bring him
Back!" Gavin yelled trying to get the crystal out of his hand. The guards immediately held him
"He was a flawed creation just like the other's" Kamski sighed.
"What was flawed about him?" Gavin asked shoving a guard off him.
"That black eyed creature is a parasite, Yes he was Y/N but eventually the parasite would have taken over like it did then and would have killed us all." Kamski said stepping on the crystal.
"He would have betrayed us all."

To be Continued...

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Obsessed | Male Yandere X Male Reader


Corrupted \ Nathan Prescott X Male Reader

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