Chapter 1 // meeting Hermione Zabini

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this book is currently undergoing editing, its a big book so a lot of chapters are awful

Hermione's POV, 2017

Hi, my name is Hermione Zabini

I'm a pure-blooded witch-

You may be confused at these facts since you're most likely a muggle or a wizard who read potters story, but that's all his is, a story. my one is true he wanted to write a book about his life but decided to make my 'character' and Parkinson's 'character' change lives and give my real role a less important one, and even make me and my twin not related

but my book is the real way it went, if you want to know how everything actually played out, read on

Hermione's POV, august 31st, 1991

I woke up in my four-poster bed to a child jumping up and down on top of it

"mioneeeee it's the day!!!"

Oh, not a child, just Blaise

"BLAISE, how many times do I have to tell you, stop acting like a two-year-old, your turning 12 in a few days for merlin's sake"

it's our birthday on September 19th

"blah blah blah"

"go annoy Draco, he's here isn't he?"

he nodded "get up, mother and father want us downstairs for brekkie"

I shook my head "then. Get. Off. My. Bed" I shoved him further off in between every word, by 'bed' he fell with a thump

"ouch, Hermione! I'm gonna kill you!"

I laughed and ran into my closet and locked the door behind me

"I'm gonna get you"

"Yeah, sure you will, I'm faster, Now go away I need to get changed"

I heard a sigh and he walked away, defeated

shaking my head in amusement, I started looking in my closet for my outfit

it has to be muggle looking, most of my clothes were muggle clothes anyway, I mean, I hate muggles but they do have good style

I picked out a green high collar woolen top with light blue jeans and sunglasses

I picked out a green high collar woolen top with light blue jeans and sunglasses

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"MIONE C'MONNNNN" I heard a knocking on my door and rolled my eyes

as I opened said door, Blaise fell inside

"what are you doing" I held my hand out to help him up

"mother and father won't let me eat till your down there" he pushed my hand aside and stood up by himself

"fine" I walked out of the closet and pushed him down again


I ran out of my sleeping quarters and towards the dining room

"Hermione what did you do?" father asked as I stumbled inside, they could hear Blaise running down the hall

"I did absolutely nothing father" I nodded to Draco as I sat next to him, he was sitting on the left from my father

"HERM- oh hello" Blaise was panting and glaring at me as he sat opposite us, next to mother

"would you both please stop with your banter, you have a friend over" mother reminded

I turned to him "I wouldn't call him a friend... more of a rando Blaise knows"

"ha, ha mione"

I smiled innocently and started eating my bacon and eggs


"you three need to go pack your things"

"of course father"

I grabbed them both by their wrists and dragged them up to their rooms

"ow, mione your so abusive" I stuck my tongue out at Blaise and carried on dragging them both upstairs

"right" I shoved them inside Blaise's room and closed the door

"How is she so much stronger than us both?" they completely ignored me "hey!" I rolled my eyes, I may or may not have flicked them both

"I'm stronger than you both because I'm better than you both at everything, what I was saying was when we go to Hogwarts I do not want you both following me around and being annoying like protective older brothers, okay?"

Draco looked uncomfortable

"We are not protective" Blaise crossed his arms like a child

"sure your not, you totally don't keep any and every boy away from me, my point is that I'm older than both of you so-"

Blaise interrupted "only by two minutes" this boy I swear

"still older, so you can't boss me around anymore. also when your sorted into Hufflepuff Blaise I'm pretending we aren't related"

I walked out, the last thing I heard was "I'M NOT GONNA BE A  HUFFLE-"

laughing, I retreated towards my room to pack

As soon as I packed my muggle clothes, Hogwarts robes, uniform, books, quills, parchment, winter accessories, and everything else my room looked rather empty

I looked towards my bedside table and frowned, I sat on my bed and looked at the object before picking it up

"can't forget you"

it's my pocket watch.

that may be a little weird for someone my age to have but it has a picture of my grandmother, Blaise, and I when we were babies on top of the watch part, my grandma died when we were 7, I've had it for as long as I can remember

I stood up and put it in my trunk

"YOU BETTER BE READY!" I shouted walking down the hall towards Blaise's room

"mione stop being so bossy" Draco and Blaise were just closing their trunks as I walked inside

"no, I don't particularly want to be late, Malfoy"

he rolled his eyes "We won't be late, Zabini you just need to chill"

they picked up their trunks and walked towards the door

"stop flirting, we need to go"

I scoffed "shut up Blaise"

we walked down the hall to the entry room where mother and father were awaiting us

"you lot took a while"

I shrugged "you mean they took a while" I pointed towards the boys behind me


I apologize in advance for the terrible grammar and words n all that

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