Chapter 2 // The Hogwarts express

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Hermione's POV // 31st of august

"I hate muggle cars"

We had to drive to kings cross, we aren't allowed to apparate yet because we aren't of age

"well you'll have to deal with it 'mione" Draco said, lugging his suitcase onto a trolly

I ignored him

"We need to get to the platform" I turned to my parents, my mother hugged us both, my father hugged Blaise, I went to hug my father but as I expected, he turned and started leaving

we walked towards the platform, leaving my mother behind

"stop!" I held them back, noticing the people about to walk onto platform 9¾

"What- is that?"

I nodded "I think so"

A family of gingers and a raven-haired boy was in the course of entering the platform

"harry potter?"

I angled my head to see his face better "yeah... lightning scar and all" I confirmed just as they went through "we'll have some fun this year" I smirked strutting onwards and through the wall

"Hermione we can't father instructed me to become friends with him" Draco said, waving to someone on the platform

"Seriously?" he nodded "well your no fun, I know Blaise wouldn't since he's Hufflepuff and all-" Blaise interrupted me for the second time today

"mione I swear if you call me Hufflepuff one more time I'm going to rip your limbs off" ouch

"you're being houseist Blaise"

I nodded, agreeing with Draco

"stop ganging up on me" we made fun of Blaise until we found a compartment


"I'm just saying, my g, what if- yes?"

a brunette boy knocked on our compartment door

"I'm Neville, have you seen my toad?"

I can be nice when I want to be "no, I'll help you find it" my brother and his best friend gave me incredulous looks "what?"

Blaise scoffed "And you say I'm the Hufflepuff"

"ha, ha"

I stood outside of our compartment and sent him the opposite way from me so we could cover twice the space.

I came to a compartment with the famous 'harry potter' and the ginger I saw before

I looked around for a second before saying

"has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville's lost one"

the ginger answered "no," I noticed he had his wand in the air

"oh, are you doing magic? Let's see then"

he cleared his throat "Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow" this is not gonna work "turn this stupid fat rat yellow!"

it didn't work, as expected

"Are you sure that's a real spell? Well it's not very good, is it? Of course, I've only tried a few simple ones myself, but they've all worked for me" I walked inside and sat opposite potter
"for example, Avada kedavra" (just kidding) "oculus reparo" his glasses fixed
"see?" I looked towards the ginger and smirked slightly I decided to pretend I didn't know who he was, for fun "holly cricket!" I sound like a Hufflepuff, ew "your harry potter! I'm Hermione Zabini... and you are?"

I turned towards the ginger, he had his mouth full and yet talked through it, disgusting "um- Won Weasley" that was gross

"pleasure... you two better change into your robes, I expect we'll be arriving soon" I stood up and walked out, I decided to stop looking, I'm not gonna find the stupid toad anyway


"guess what just happened"

I opened the compartment door to Blaise and Draco finally having changed into their robes "we are not your girlfriends mione, go find someone else to gossip with"

I glared at him "no, it's not gossip it's about Draco here's new bestie" he seemed to want to know what I was talking about now

"potter is friends with some random ginger called 'Ron Weasley' he is disgusting, really, speaking with his mouth full and everything-" Draco interrupted me, these boys have a habit of this

"wait, Weasley?"

I nodded "why?"

he smirked "my dad works with his dad, you won't be able to make fun of potter but you can Weasley" I smiled, already coming up with ways to poke fun at them

"sounds good"


the train whistled, signaling its stop an hour later


we grabbed our trunks from the suitcase racks above us and walked out of the train

"who's that?"

I shrugged, there was a hairy man, more like a giant really calling for the first years

"FIRST YEARS THIS WAY PLEASE, COME ON NOW FIRST YEARS DON'T BE SHY HURRY UP, COME ON" me, Blaise, Draco, and everyone else walked toward him


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