Chapter 22 // a duel gone wrong

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Hermione's POV

"I'm fine, honestly, Wren, it was 2 weeks ago"

We were walking towards the great hall; Lockhart had started a duelling club for second and third years. Wren was being very anxious about my 'recent' bludger incident and she was worried I was gonna get even more hurt even though I'm fine

"ok but don't blame me when you die" I rolled my eyes as everyone got into position around the long blue and gold platform

"GATHER ROUND, gather round now, can you all hear me? excellent" for all he knows I didn't hear him, he didn't wait for an answer, the blithering idiot "in the light of the dark events of the recent weeks professor dumbledore has granted me permission to start this little duelling club to train you all up in case you ever need to defend yourselves"

'in case' DUDE we live in the magical world with three headed dogs, two faced teachers, werewolf's and half man-half horse's and that's just a few things in this school.

of course we're gonna need to defend ourselves

"as I myself have done on many occasions... for full details see my published works" hm sure I'm gonna go read your fake books

He threw his cloak to a few Gryffindors, god there's something wrong with them am I really the only- I looked around at the collection of students in this room and saw that every single girl was staring adoringly up at him, yep I am

When I put my interest back into the goings-on around me I saw snape with his outstretched wand pointing towards Lockhart who was lying on the floor, finally, some of the girls might notice that he's a- no they haven't

"an excellent idea to show them that professor snape, but if you don't mind me saying it was pretty obvious what you were about to do and if I had wanted to stop you it would have been only too easy" yeah you believe that but I'm surprised anyone else would, I saw that pure look of shock

"Perhaps it would be prudent to first teach the students to block any unfriendly spells professor" I don't know how this man isn't everyone's favourite professor I mean look at how he just showed up Lockhart

"an excellent suggestion professor snape, well... let's have a volunteer pair... uh potter! Weasley! How about you?" yeah that's gonna work

"Weasley's wand causes devastation with the simplest spells, we'll be sending Potter to the hospital wing in a matchbox" I wouldn't mind that though snape "might I suggest, someone from my own house? Zabini, perhaps" he better be picking me and not Blaise

He turned quickly and pointed to me, I smirked and stood upon the blue platform

I strutted forward to stand opposite potter "wands at the ready" we did as told

"scared potter?"

"you wish"

Oof feisty, we turned our backs to each other and walked a few steps before turning back and getting into our stances

"on the count of three, cast your charms to disarm your opponent, only! To disarm we don't want any accidents here" yeah it won't be an accident

"one," I thought of a spell

"two" may as well

"EVERTE STATUM" I shouted, advancing on him

As soon as the light from my wand hit him he was thrown into the air and pushed back to the bottom of the platform in flips. My house laughed while the others looked annoyed or worried, as potter got to his feet he announced


the same thing happened to me except I landed halfway off the platform Snape picked me up by my cloak and pushed me forward to try again

Lockhart said something that I didn't listen to

"SERPENSORTIA" a snake materialised in front of potter, ha! See what he does with this

"don't move potter I'll get rid of it for you" snape walked forward

"allow me professor snape" here we go "ALARTE ASCENDARE" all he did was make it mad by throwing it into the air and falling back down

Potter walked toward the poisonous snake

"potter what are you doing!" I shout-whispered, I didn't want any of my house thinking I was on his side. He started speaking a different language... it's not welsh, Spanish, Italian, or french (I know them) but it's definitely not English when the snake turned towards a Hufflepuff I realised he was speaking parstletongue

"POTTER STOP!" I shouted again, he didn't notice me but carried on egging the snake on by the looks of it, the snake turned to potter and he shook his head in the subtlest way so no one other than I would've caught it

"Vipera Evanesca" snape got rid of the snake

"what are you playing at?" the Hufflepuff looked terrified, the two professors looked slightly scared, the rest of the class looked horrified while potter looked confused, as he had just come out of a trance

Everyone's gonna think he's the heir... But he can't be can he? He's a Gryffindor no Slytherin heir would be a Gryffindor, but I know he can't be the person who wrote the message on the wall because I know it was little weasel who had the diary

now I'm just confused

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