Chapter 45 // Blue to red

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Hermione's POV

"a second-year said he taught them how the full-body bind hex works, they shouldn't be doing that till our year"

Wren and I were walking to DADA (Draco and I still haven't made up, I've been waiting for him to apologize and I expect that's what he wants me to do)

"I know, it's gonna be great" we took our seats in the classroom, we were a little late 

"your late, why?" maybe it won't be fun by the tone of his voice 

"We- we uh..." we overslept but we weren't gonna tell him that "we had to do something for Professor snape sir"

"No you didn't, with any other professor you would've gotten detention for that blatant lie, nevertheless detention isn't worth my time, sit down" 

we quickly sat in our seats, sadly the only seats were in front of Draco and Blaise

"when it comes to the dark arts, I believe in a practical approach. But first, which of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?" practical approach... WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN 

"Three sir" Parkinson answered 

"and they are so named?" he turned around and started writing on the board aggressively 

"because they are unforgivable the use of any one of them will-" why does it look so hard for her to say that? 

"earn you a one-way ticket to Azkaban correct, now the ministry says you're too young to see what these curses do, I say different! you need to know what you're up against! You need to be prepared" please say he's not about to use them on us "you need to find another place to put your chewing gum beside the underside of your desk Mr. Finnigan" that's kinda embarrassing 

"awh no way. The old codger can see out of the back of his head" 

the professor whipped around and threw the chalk at Finnigan "AND HEAR ACROSS CLASSROOMS" he walked quickly to Potter and Weasley's desk "so which curse shall we see first? Weasley!" 

"yes" he sounds terrified 

"stand" the ginger stood shakily "give us a curse" 

"Well, my dad did tell me about one... the imperius curse" 'the curse of which you take control of another being' read that at some point 

"oh yeah, your father would know all about that, gave the ministry quite a bit of grief a few years ago" I wonder what Arthur Weasley could have to do with the imperius curse... "perhaps this will show you why" he walked back to his desk, pulled out a small spider, and pointed his wand at it "engorgio" the spider tripled in size "Imperio"

I felt calm, at peace, happy... somethings wrong, where did all the worry go? Where did all the things I was overthinking go? Where did everything go? I hadn't much time to worry about not having anything to worry about however because a voice was telling me 'tell him how you feel, how you really feel'

when I woke up he had finished the curse and was trying to get people to give him another one

"Longbottom is it? Up" he stood out of his seat "Professor Sprout tells me you have an aptitude for herbology" I don't get what that was for but... ok 

"th- there's the um... The Cruciatus Curse" oh no 

"correct! Correct, come, come particularly nasty" he put the spider down on the table and brought Longbottom closer, I know what that curse is capable of, and what it did to his parents, that's not gonna go well "the torture curse... crucio!"

"CRUCIO!" a shrill, cackling voice screamed, Parkinson was writhing and screaming on the ballroom floor

"STOP IT! CANT YOU SEE IT'S BOTHERING HIM? STOP IT" the same girl screamed at our Professor; she was completely unharmed. 

He stopped torturing the poor spider and walked toward the girl "perhaps you could give us the last unforgivable curse Miss Parkinson" she shook her head in no, she looks like she might be even more traumatized than Longbottom "No?... Avada kedavra!"

"AVADA KEDAVRA" he was on the ground... someone I needed alive, someone I had to have in my life, but I can't see his face, and I don't know who he is yet


I didn't go to the great hall that afternoon, when everyone was putting in their slips of paper, I stayed in the library, trying to figure out what the hell I am

"Banshee... no, that's not it... Ivera.... No way...  Kanima, ew hell no! Mai- oh hi Wren"

Wren came in and sat with me

"guess what? The Weasley twins tried to put their names in! they turned into really old men and are in the hospital wing now sadly... oh and your friends from those other schools put theirs in, and-" 

"Sorry, but I'm in the middle of trying to figure this out so..." I passed her a book "you can help"

We sat there for about three hours, and the only thing remotely close was a seer, but seers tell prophecies I don't tell prophecies, I can see what's going on from another place and I think I can see little bits of the future if they relate to what's happening at that time. 

But nothing fits that description

"Aight, we gotta go see who the champions are 'mione, we can carry this on after it" 

very, very reluctantly (as in Wren had to drag me out of my seat) we left to the great hall

"where have you two been?" Blaise asked as we sat down 

"this one" she gestured at me angrily "made me research in the library for three hours, three hours!" 

"it wasn't that bad-"

I was interrupted by Dumbledore "everyone settle down... now the moment you've been waiting for: the champion selection" he turned, waved his hand across the hall and every light dimmed, making the cup's flames the brightest in the room

The flames grew a Gryffindor color red, setting off sparks, and in those sparks was a small piece of parchment. 

It flew into my headmaster's hands 

"the Durmstrang champion is... Viktor Krum" 

I didn't hear the clapping or the whistles

Krum attacked a girl, the vines started taking her into its depths

The flames grew a red/pink type color and spat out a blue circular piece of parchment 

"The champion for Beauxbatons... Fleur Delacour" 

my eyes went foggy and the noise drowned out

The girl Krum attacked was Fleur

The fire turned from blue to red once again, spitting out the last piece of parchment "the Hogwarts champion... Cedric Diggory!" the noise and my vision left me again

Diggory... he was unconscious- I hope, he was unconscious

I gasped as my vision went right, I followed Diggory with my eyes as he walked to the backroom, every champion was inside there... but if I'm right, and for once I really hope I'm not, every champion Is gonna face a horrible fate

"EXCELLENT! We now have our three champions, but in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions, this vessel of victory... the Triwizard Cup!" 

he turned and pointed at the glorious cup behind him. The glass glowed a light blue, both handles were dragon-like, every part of it was stunning, beautiful, breath-taking. there were no words, no words at all to describe this award... but the attention was ripped away from it when the goblet of fire spat out another piece of parchment

a piece of parchment that never should've been there


potter was hiding behind a gravestone, seemingly terrified as if he was risking his life...

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