~The Backstory~

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Y/N Pov

It was not always like this. Fighting and hating. We were good friends. I was born in Asgard along with my sister, Known as lady Sif. My mother a friend to the queen and my father a guard of the king. This meant much time at the castle where Loki and Thor grew up.

Thor destined for the throne while Loki was cast aside in the shadows. I never knew why, but I enjoyed Loki's company. He was fun and we could always play pranks on the others. We were all friends but Thor and Loki had their moments like any siblings do. Me and Sif hardly fought, she was too busy running around training to be a warrior like our dad.

Me and Thor were the best of friends. We would talk and play for the entire day until we were told to go in. Sometimes I would sneak out and meet Thor at night so that we could talk more. We would talk about how strict Odin was, and how we would be best friends forever. We planned our future together and that how once he was king of Asgard we could fight alongside each other. We would say that we would never leave each other's sides till death.

I guess I always hoped that would be true but I couldn't ignore what happened when we got older. As teens, we were only closer than before. I never really understood how I felt back then, I mean we spent every second together. The days we would train and run around every inch of Asgard, and the nights we would just stay up and talk till morning. Every night as we looked at the stars we would assure each other that we'd be together forever.

The night before Thor was crowned king of Asgard, we sat where we always spent our nights, this time mostly in silence. We just stared at the stars waiting for the other to speak.

Our legs dangling off the rock, as I leaned my head back to admire the sparkle-lit sky. My hands behind me, supporting me so that I didn't fall. Then Thor spoke.

"I have to tell you something y/n. Before I'm crowned king tomorrow." I turned my head to him as he spoke. "what's on your mind?" I asked as I tilted my head. He sighed before answering "I can't spend my nights like this anymore." I was confused, why, what was changing. I thought to myself.

I didn't speak for a few minutes while I tried to process what he had just told me, holding back tears as thousands of scenarios crossed my mind. "Please say something, y/n." He said as he saw the sadness in my eyes. I couldn't get the words out. I really just didn't know what to say. "why?" I finally asked as I turned back to face him, tears running down my cheeks.

He grabbed my hand and told me "Because I will be king, and I can't sit here while the people are unguarded." I felt a little bit of anger in me but I also understood. He must protect his people which he can not do sitting up here talking to me. I let the anger in me cool before telling him: "I understand." I looked into his deep blue eyes and leaned my head on his shoulder while he put his arm around me, for this would be the last night I would spend here with Thor.

The Next Day

I woke up and felt the warm breeze blow against my face and something wrapped around my waist. I wasn't fully awake and aware of anything yet but I heard a voice. "good morning lady y/n." I instantly sat up as I realized that we had fallen asleep at the rock that night.

I looked at Thor still processing everything, then I apologized as I realized I had been laying on his chest. He just laughed and said, "I'm quite fine with how last night turned out." I smiled before remembering last night when he told me that he couldn't stay here with me anymore. My smile turned to a frown and so did Thor's.

I guess he knew what I was thinking about because he pulled me into his arms before saying "It's going to be fine. We'll still spend our days together." I knew that we would still see each other but I just hated that the times I enjoyed most were over. I just melted into his arms while trying to forget how it would be when he let go.

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