~First Night Back~

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Tony's Pov

We all sat in the board room with tears running down our faces. I had just read out the letter from Y/n. In it, she had mentioned Gloria's death and how she would be returning to Asgard. None of us had the chance to say goodbye to either of them and it broke everyone's hearts. I hadn't personally got the chance to know Gloria very well, but I knew that she was a good person who deserved a longer life.

"She's not coming back, is she?" Steve asked breaking the silence after a few minutes. "I don't think so," Nat replied. "What about Thor? Will he come back if we need him. If he comes back Y/n will follow right?" Bruce questioned. "I don't know. We all have the same amount of information. This letter is all we have from Y/n," I yelled. My anger had been building up inside for this whole conversation and I just had to let it out. "I'm sorry. I. I think I should go to bed. I'll talk to you guys tomorrow," I said as I stood up to leave. "Yeah. We can talk over breakfast tomorrow. Let's all get some rest for now," Cap suggested. Then everyone headed to their rooms.

Y/n's Pov

I held tightly onto Thor as we dropped down to Midgard through the Bifrost. I felt my feet hit the ground and soon the blur of bright colors had disappeared. I let go of Thor and looked at the compound that was standing right in front of us. "They might be mad," I said as I looked over to Thor. "They'll understand. Plus you're here now." He smiled.

He took my hand in his and started walking towards the front doors. It was late and all the lights were off in the compound so we assumed that everyone was asleep. We quietly walked in and went to the living room. 

"We should probably head up to your room and wait to talk to everyone till the morning," I told Thor. "Yes. Good idea. I'm just going to get a snack first." He responded before heading to the kitchen. While I was in the elevator to go upstairs, I remembered that I didn't have any other clothes here. I had left them all at Gloria's house that day. I figured that I would just wear the clothes that I was already wearing.

I got to the bedroom floor I heard voices coming from Nat's room. I recognized one as Nat and the other was Wanda. I decided that I should go see them. If they had read my letter yet they were probably heartbroken. I walked over to the door and hesitated before knocking.

"Come in!" Nat yelled to me. I slowly opened the door and walked in. I saw their tear-stained cheeks and red eyes from crying. "You got the letter?" I sighed as tears swelled up in my eyes. Wanda nodded. "I'm sorry. I should have come back here right after. I just. If I hadn't, Thor would have died." I explained. Nat stood up from the bed and walked over to me. She wrapped her arms around me and whispered into my ear, "It's okay. You're here now. And he's alive."

Wanda joined the hug soon after. Once we all let go I whipped the tears off of my cheeks and sniffled a little bit. "Oh god. This was probably so hard on you. Are you alright?" Wanda asked me. "She was there for me when I lost my best friend. She helped me when no one else would. I told her everything and she did the same for me. It's just so hard to know that she's gone." I said choking on my words.

"Why don't you stay here with me and Wanda tonight. You can borrow some Pajamas. It might be easier for us all to fall asleep if we're together." Nat suggested. Both Wanda and I agreed. I sort of forgot that Thor had come with me. Nat walked over to her closet and pulled out a nice set of pajamas for me to wear for the night. She then laid down beside Wanda while I went into the bathroom to get changed. Once I was dressed I came back out and laid down on the bed too. 

My mind was filled with memories of Gloria. I remembered the time that we had gone on that road trip and on the way back it started raining. It was the day that Loki had taken my memories of Asgard. It was the first day that I had felt alright in a while. Of course, that was until I fainted and ended up in the hospital.

There was another time when she had a barbeque in her backyard to welcome me to Weydale. She has always been the best baker in town but she sure wasn't a cook. She burnt all of the burgers and hot dogs. A few actually caught fire and we had to get the fire extinguisher. Eventually, Jake stepped up and barbequed for her. He did a really good job and the rest of that day was amazing. That was the first time we really became friends.

I started crying a little again but I tried not to make any noise so that Nat and Wanda wouldn't hear me. My breaths got a little shaking and I assume that Nat noticed because she began stroking my hair. It calmed me down a little to the point where I could close my eyes again without the tears falling down my cheeks.

The memories and the fact that Nat had her arms wrapped around my waist, put me to sleep pretty easily. Wanda was on the other side of Nat. It had been a long two months and I was exhausted. Thor had come in later that night when he didn't find me in his room. He saw us all asleep and smiled. He was a good man, maybe I had been a little dramatic about everything but it just hurt so bad to lose a connection with my best friend.


Sorry that it took so long to update. I'll be updating more often now I just wasn't sure what I was going to say for this part before but I think that it's good now :)

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