~Life on Midgard~

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Y/n's Pov

The day I left, I felt Thor watching me leave. I knew this was breaking his heart, but one day I would return to him. As I walked across the rainbow bridge to where Heimdal stood at the Bifrost, I had this urge to turn around and run back home. But I knew I had to fight it. Heimdal welcomed me already knowing what I was doing there. "He'll miss you very much. We all will." He told me as he looked back at Thor. "I know," I replied. "But I need time. Right now I'm still upset with him. I still love him, after all, he has been my best friend since I can remember. But some space might be what's best for now." I said before turning to face the portal to Midgard. "Goodbye!" I shouted to Heimdal as I left to my new home.

The bright colors flashed around me as I soared through the sky. It was quite beautiful. Soon after I landed in an open field somewhere. It was dark and my head was spinning. As I stood up I saw lights coming quickly towards me and before I could move I was hit. I fell to the ground and blacked out.

I guess I was out for a while because I woke up in what midgardiens called a hospital. There was a woman who looked around my age sitting in a chair beside my bed. "About time you woke up." She said to me with a warm smile across her face. "How long was I out?" I asked her. "Only about two days." She replied.

"So who exactly are you? And why are you in my room?" I asked her trying my best to sound polite. "I'm Jane Foster." She said with a smile that quickly faded to an apologetic face as she said, "I hit you with my car and had to make sure that you were going to be alright." I laughed and said, "I'm fine thank you. Now I must get going, I have to find someplace to stay." She looked at me confused, "You don't have a place to stay?" "No, I just arrived here from Asgard. My..." I was about to tell her why I was here but realized that I hardly knew her and had no reason to tell her this. "Asgard? As in the planet of gods? Home to Thor God of Thunder, Loki God of Mischief, and Odin king of Asgard?" She shouted looking very shocked. "Yes." I laughed. "But can we please not talk of that? Not yet at least. I just left there and not on great terms with the king." "Oh, of course. Sorry." Jane quickly said.

After talking for a while with Jane I decided that I had to find somewhere to live as it was getting dark and I need rest. "You can stay with me," Jane suggested. "At least until you find your own place." I smiled and thanked her as we headed back to her home.

When we got there, there were two other mortals there. Another woman my age named Darcy and an older man named Erik. They were very kind to me. Jane gave me some clothes to borrow so that I could better fit in, and I slept on the couch as they had no spare bedroom. It ended up being quite comfortable but I couldn't sleep. All I could think of was Thor and whether I would ever see him again.

I guess I ended up falling asleep because I woke up to the smell of fresh bacon and eggs. I got up and went to the kitchen to help set up for breakfast. "Goodmorning," Jane said with a smile as I walked in. "Goodmorning," I replied. "How was your sleep," she asked before cracking another egg onto the pan. "Very well. Thank you." I replied while setting the table. We sat down to eat and Darcy and Erik joined us. "So y/n, I hear you're from the great Asgard," Erik says Starting up a conversation. "Yes. It's quite beautiful there." I reply taking a piece of bacon from my plate. "What brings you to earth then?" Darcy questioned. "I mean from what I've heard in stories Asgard is made of gold. This is a very big step down," she said before shoving a piece of egg in her mouth. "Well, It's quite complicated actually," I started, Hesitating on whether I should say more or not. I decided to just say since they had been so nice in letting me stay with them and feeding me. "Ever since I was a child Thor and I had been the best of friends..." I started. I told them the whole story up until I met them. "Wow, seems like you really love this Thor," Darcy exclaimed as I finished my story. "Of course, he is my best friend," I told her not knowing what she actually meant. "No I mean more of like romantic style," She told me pushing her fingers together, I'm assuming gesturing us kissing. "Oh no," I said "I couldn't... well I liked... it's more like..." I couldn't find the words. Darcy smirked. "I DO NOT LOVE HIM!" I yelled before placing my hand over my mouth and apologized. "I should go," I told them before grabbing my things and running out the door.

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