~Meeting Again~

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Thor's Pov

I arrive in a small town. A kind woman welcomes me and tells me to follow her. "I'm here to see lady y/n," I tell her looking out over the rest of the town. A bit of a step down from Asgard. I think to myself. "She is currently not to have visitors from out of town unless of course, it is family." I simply just told her, "I am her best friend." "She does not speak of any best friends she had from before she came here. In fact, she rarely speaks of any men at all. Give me a minute I must check her forms." She tells me. I start to panic there is no way she put me on her forms after our fight. After all, she did come here because of me, she wouldn't want them contacting me if something happened. "May I please have your name, sir?" She asks. I decided to give her my real name, the worst-case scenario I have to sneak or fight my way in. "T-Thor," I say with a bit of a stutter. "Thor, Thor, Thor," she says running her finger over the sheet of paper. "Ah here it is," she states. "Her best friend you are. Her address is 28, Decender street." She tells me and points the direction I should go.

I walked through the town getting many looks. Probably for the way I was dressed. I saw the house that the woman told me about. It was small, very small. It was lined with green grass and flowers. The path up to the house was small so was most of the stuff there. I knock on the door, no answer. I knock again but louder, still no answer. So I open the door and walk-in. Inside I see a staircase. I go up the stairs, checking every room and I find nothing except a knocked-over bottle of pills. I search the lower floor still nothing. Perhaps she is in town. I sit on the couch and turn on the TV while I wait.

After a few minutes, I hear the door open. I quickly switch off the TV and go towards the front door. I see a woman and a man standing there. The man has a gun at hand and the woman is standing behind him. "Oh my, I must have the wrong house," I exclaim. "Yeah you must," the man says lowering the gun away from my head. "Could you point me in the direction of lady y/n's house?" I ask them with a smile. "Who are you?" The woman yells. "I am Thor Odinson, God of Thunder, king of Asgard." "What do you want with y/n?" She asks again. "I am just here to return her memories and hopefully return her to Asgard," I tell them. "Well you're at the right house but she isn't home and we don't know when or if she will be back." The man tells me. "Aren't you a myth?" The woman asks. "No, I am very real. But I need to find y/n right now. She is forgetting her past, her home, she is forgetting me." I tell them. "Who are you to her and how do we know we can trust you?" The man says raising the gun to my face again. "I am her best friend and if you do not believe me you may ask the lady who welcomed me here." "Alright I trust you, but if anything happens to her I won't hesitate to pull this trigger." The man explains. "Deal," I tell him with a smile. "She's at the hospital on south street, she had a bad headache a few days ago. She fainted and we don't know if she's up yet. Gloria, her, other best friend I guess, is there with her so be kind." The woman tells me before pointing me in the direction of the hospital.

Y/n's Pov

I woke up in a hospital bed. There was a tube sticking into my arm and machines all around me. I look to my left and see Gloria reading a book. She looked over at me and said, "You're awake." "How long have I been out?" I ask with a look of concern on my face. "Two days," she responds before handing me a glass of water. "You might want to drink. The doctors think you were dehydrated and that's why you passed out." "Wait do you know when I passed out? Like what we were doing?" I asked. "We had just come home from our day out, it was thunder storming but that was weird because it never thunderstorms here. When we got back inside we were drying off and you turned the TV on. Jane was on the TV, so I asked if that was the Jane you knew. Then you got all dizzy and passed out." Gloria explained. "Who's Jane?" "She's the girl who you first saw when you first came to earth. Remember, New Mexico?" Gloria said before taking a bite of a sandwich she had in her bag. "I don't actually. And what do you mean arrived at earth? I've lived here my entire life." I explained confused as to what she was going on about. "No about a month and a half ago you came to earth from Asgard because you and Thor, who was your best friend had a fight because he was going to be king," she told me looking a little frustrated now. "What the hell is Asgard? And who the fuck is Thor?" I snapped back thinking she had made all of this up as a joke.

Just then the door slammed open. Our heads whipped towards the door. There stood a large man with long blond hair. He wore armor and a long red cape that reached down to the floor. His lower legs were covered with his large black boots and in his hand, he held a large metal hammer. He stood there for a second as we just stared. After a few seconds, I broke the silence with, "I'm sorry I think you have the wrong room, and we were having a conversation so if you could please leave that would be great thanks." I gave him a snarly smile before Gloria spoke, "That's Thor!"

Author's Note

Sorry if I don't post as frequently, I have a lot of assignments for school so I'm trying to mostly focus on that.

Also sorry for the shorter chapter, I didn't really know what to add.

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