~Planning Day~

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When I woke up both Natasha and Wanda were gone. I looked up to the ceiling and sighed.

"Good morning Ms. Y/L/N." J.A.R.V.I.S said, making me jump. "It is currently noon and Mr. Odinson would like you to join the rest of the team in the dining room for lunch." He informed me.

I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes. I was so tired. "Thank you J.A.R.V.I.S. I'll be down in 10 minutes," I said as I walked over to the bathroom.

Once I saw my messy hair and tired eyes in the mirror I told J.A.R.V.I.S to make it 15 minutes.

I brushed out all of the knots in my hair and put on some makeup so that I looked less like a mess. I brushed my teeth then quickly ran downstairs.

When I got down there everyone was waiting for me. "You really didn't want to get up this morning." Nat laughed.

"Yeah we tried to wake you up like 5 times and you just shooed us away," Wanda told me.

"You slapped me because I tried to get you out of bed," Thor said.

"Oh actually. I'm sorry. Are you alright?" I asked him trying to hold back a laugh.

"I'm fine. We just decided that it was best to leave you alone after that." He told me.

"Smart." I laughed. "So you guys are probably mad about the whole thing," I said turning to the others.

"We got your letter last night. And we all understand that it was hardest for you, we would have still liked to know if you guys were okay. And clearly you weren't." Tony said.

"Yeah. I know. It was a bad decision on my part but if I had've wasted one more minute on earth Thor could have been dead." I told them.

"How?" Steve asked leaning forward in his chair.

"Well, while we were down here getting ready to move in, Thor was fighting his sister. The godess of death. I got back to Asgard just in time to watch Hela stab Thor right through the stomach. I ran over to her, stabbing her in the back so that she would die. I'm not quite sure how Thor survived but he did. I guess he's a god. I just thought I had lost them both." I said as a tear rolled down my cheek.

Thor pulled me close to him, making sure that I knew he was there. I relaxed a little at his hold but I was still thinking about Gloria. It's not something you just get over really. I knew this would take time but I wanted the hurt to stop now. I closed my eyes as I leaned my head against Thor's chest. He began stroking my hair while everyone else thought about what I had just told them.

"I'm so sorry Y/n." Bruce said.

"No I am. I should have told you guys. God this month has been a mess. I think I just need a rest from it all." I responded.

"Guys. Let's just forget about the letter. We should have a funeral in Weydale for Gloria." Steve suggested.

"That's actually why we came here. We wanted to put together a ceremony for her to honour her memory." Thor explained to them.

"I know you guys meant a lot to her and so did the people of Weydale. It would just be a small thing but it's something. Right?" I added.

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. We would plan for the funeral to be this up coming weekend. Then Thor and I would spend the next week at the avengers compound. After that we would go home again.

We planned out a few extra things for the funeral, such as who would be invited, a specific time, and where in Weydale it would take place.

After that was all planned out, we took the rest of the day off. A few of us would go shopping for outfits on Thursday and the others, who already had something to wear, would go to Weydale to speak with the people who would be attending.

That afternoon Thor and I took a walk. I wanted to make sure that we were alright after I had disappeared two days ago.

"Okay. Get it out. Yell. Say whatever you want to say." I told him with a sigh as soon as we were far enough away from the compound.

"What?" He asked with confusion.

"Well you wanted to yell at me the other day because I disappeared. Now that we're here and away from everyone it's a good place to get it all out. So go." I responded.

"I'm not going to yell at you." He told me. "I don't hold onto anger from my past. Once it's over, it's over and that's the end." He explained.

"Are you sure? Because I can take it." I asked.

"I'm certain. Now let's just enjoy our walk and have a little bit of peace." He smiled.

I took his hand as he began walking along the quiet, paved, road.

I smiled to myself as I thought of all that our future could be. Perhaps some day he would propose. Then we would get married and I would be his queen. We would have a few children. Probably two is fine. And we would live happily in Asgard with occasional visits to Midgard.

But this wasn't where my mind should be. After all, Gloria had passed away about four days ago. We were here for her funeral, not to plan out our lives.

My mind wandered to all the things that Gloria and I did while we were together. I traced back to that day when we took a road trip. I had forgotten Thor and Loki and everything from back home. It had been an amazing day and I just wish that I could've said thank you for all of the other wonderful memories she gave me.

A tear slipped down my cheek and when Thor noticed, he let go of my hand, wrapped his arms around my waist, and lifted me up off the ground. My arms wrapped around his neck and I rested my head on his shoulder. He adjusted his grip on me before carrying me back to the compound.

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