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Thor's Pov

"Who the hell is Thor?" Y/n asks Gloria seeming to be very angry with her.

"He's your best friend. Back on Asgard you too spent every moment possible together. You were inseparable until the day before he became king. He told you that he couldn't spend his nights at the rock with you anymore because of his duties. And even though it hurts you, you guys stayed friends. But then something happened with his brother and he chose his father over his brother so you came to earth to get away from him." Gloria said her voice getting weaker with each word.

"Listen Y/n. I know you don't remember..." I was cut off. "NO! I don't know you so please leave. I have lived on earth my entire life and Gloria is my best friend. Asgard is a place of myth that only appears in books, and Thor the god of thunder is a myth along with it." Y/n yells.

"I'm sorry but until you remember your past I'm here to stay," I tell her slowly walking closer to her. I could tell she was getting uncomfortable so I stopped at the foot of the bed. "I just really need you to remember," I pause "You are my best friend, the person who I am closest to, the only person who understands my struggles, and the only person I trust with every little one of my secrets," I tell her as I feel I tear form in the corner of my eye. "I miss you with every ounce of my heart and need you to come home, to your real home."

"I don't know you!" She shouts. Gloria is now looking concerned. "Can I talk to you outside?" She asks me pointing to the door.

She gets up and we both walk out of the room. "Listen if you are the real Thor, I don't know what happened to her. She sort of fainted and now she only remembers being in Weydale." Gloria explains. "I am the real Thor. I understand but I need her to remember me." "I can't exactly promise she will but we should try to figure out ways to get those memories back. I wish she could stay here with me forever but she needs to be in Asgard and she needs to be with you." Gloria tells me before turning around to walk back into the room. I grab her arm. "Can I take her with me, to some of my friends in New York?" I ask. "I don't know what good that would do to our situation." She tells me. "They are the Avengers, the strongest and smartest people of earth. They are our best chance of getting her memories back." Before she walks back in she says, "I will come then. She doesn't remember you so she won't trust you. We leave in an hour and tell them that we're coming."

I heard the bickering of Lady Y/n and Lady Gloria about coming with me. Y/n didn't wish to come but Gloria who just wanted the best for her insisted. It wasn't right that y/n didn't remember and I couldn't quite figure out how this could've happened. "They said we're good with us coming, they don't have much going on right now so it's a good time," I say walking in as I hear the fight begin to calm down. "I understand that you think that we're best friends but I don't know who you are so why should I go with you?" Y/n asks again. "Your home is on Asgard with me and we wish to remind you of this," I tell her with a smile. "I have never heard of Asgard other than in stories, I have lived here my entire life so I don't know what you are talking about," Y/n says still angry with me and Gloria. "If you have lived here your whole life then what was it like before you moved to Weydale," Gloria questions Y/n. Silence. "Okay then trust me and Thor and lest go!" Gloria shouts.

A quinjet is waiting for us on the roof. The Avengers sent one for us so that we could get there faster. I know that Y/n doesn't trust me yet but I am Praying that the Avengers will be able to help her.

We land at the Avengers tower welcomed by Stark. I introduce Y/n and Gloria as we walk inside. "So I understand that you have lost your memories, Y/n," Tony says turning to face her. "I do not know that this man is telling the truth but Gloria seems pretty sure of this so I'll take her word for it," She says. "Yeah, I wasn't too sure about having strangers in my house and I'm assuming that you weren't too happy about this either," Tony says trying to continue the conversation. "Yeah, but they don't let me make my own decisions," she points to me and Gloria giving us a sort of angry look. "I couldn't let you leave, not again," I tell her looking down towards the floor. "Okay, well Bruce and I will have to run some tests and try to figure this thing out, Gloria and Thor you are free to go. Y/n come with me." Stark states before walking into the lab and Y/n follows.

"Well, I guess it's just you and me," Gloria says turning to me. "Actually just you, I have to get a hold of someone," I say giving her an apologetic smile. "Oh well, I'll just explore the place then." She tells me then walks off. I call Jane to tell her everything that has happened. "I promise that I'll come back for you," I say before giving her the best wishes and hanging up.

Tony's Pov

I wasn't too sure about this at first but it was very important to Thor and we aren't very busy so why not. "Now this might hurt a bit," Bruce says before sticking a needle into Y/n's arm. "Ouch!" She cries and Thor runs in. "It was just a needle," I tell him so that he can breathe. "Now go. I don't need you lurking around my Lab." I tell him and shoo him away.

We ran a few tests and waited for the results. I sent Y/n up to her room to talk to Gloria and Thor while we wait.

Y/n's Pov

I had a bandaid stuck on my arm and a glass of water in my hand as I took the elevator to the 11th floor. Man, this tower was huge but I really wished I could just know who this man was. If I had even lost them, I just wanted my memories back. I take a left then a right and find room 1185. It's huge. About the size of my house back in Weydale but more modern. I was very tired so I flop onto the bed. I was only there for about 10 minutes before someone knocks on my door.

Thor stands there with a single flower at hand. "Here," he says handing it to me. "T-Thanks," I told him as I took the flower from his hand. "Listen, I'm sorry. About earlier... and on Asgard. And I know you don't remember but I do and I can't forget it. I hate myself for every moment that I didn't get to spend with you," he told me. I looked down at my feet. I wanted to remember but I just can't. "If we are okay now, then I'll leave you. You are probably tired from all of this," he says before a British voice comes from behind me. "Mrs. Y/l/n, Mr. Stark, and Mr. Banner would like you in the lab for the test results." "Well, I should go then," I say. "I'll come too. I would like to know what is going on," Thor says.

We get to the lab, Tony and Bruce are waiting for us. "Great, you're both here," Bruce says as we walk in. "So pretty much, the bad news is, you have had your memories whipped but only of anything related to Asgard. This is also probably why you passed out." Tony says showing us a few pictures of my brain. "Well, then what's the good news?" I ask turning to face Stark. "We have a few ideas of how we can get it those memories back. It might take a while but if you spend enough time with Thor, and he can walk you through some major memories it could help," he responds. "You will have to try really hard to remember though. Thor is there anyone that you can bring from Asgard who might be helpful with this? Anyone she was really close with?" Bruce asks joining in the conversation. "Well, Loki could help but he escaped his cell about a week ago and we haven't seen him since. I could try to get her sister to come though," he suggests with a smile. "Well, I will figure out a way to get her down here and in the meantime work on those memories," Tony says shooing us out of the lab.

We get back to my room and I sit on the bed. "So I guess I'll start with our childhood," Thor suggests while pacing back and forth. I pat the bed, telling him to sit. "Okay, let's get to it," I say.

Thor and I talk for hours. He tells me of playing around in the woods with Loki and Sif. He talks about Battles we fought together and the night we spent at the rock. We seemed to be very good friends, and although we spent so much time together we never had a single argument. I had already been told of the day we lost our friendship but for the sake of my memories, Thor told it again with more details. "We were spending the night at the rock we were always at. We sat in silence for a while but I decided that I had to tell you. I told you that once I was king I couldn't go back there with you. It was too far from the castle and Bifrost." As he spoke I felt a tear roll down my cheek. He wiped it away and continued his story. "After we both cried for a while you fell asleep on my chest. I didn't want to wake you so I just watched the stars till I was asleep too. I wanted to stay there forever but I knew that it would end." He told me and this time I was the one wiping tears from his face. "You woke up though and I knew that I had to get back for my coronation. And it got worse after that." I could tell he didn't want to talk about it but I seemed to remember that night now and I wanted to remember it all. "Take me to Asgard!" I said turning to see him wipe away more tears. "What?" "Take me to Asgard. I remember that night now and I think it would help. Please I want to know my home." I said again practically begging him. "Alright." He said with a smile. "Okay, when do we leave?" I asked. I could feel myself getting really excited. "J.A.R.V.I.S, tell everyone to meet us in the board room." He said as he grabbed my hand pulling me out of the room.

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