right my wrongs

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m a r c u s

" Marcus you can't be serious do you know how hard it was to keep up with you and padma while I was trying to navigate my feelings and who they were for "

I huffed walking fast she was on her way to give a stupid fucking tour she's no longer the new girl at mays high school so she was acting all preppy and shit I don't know why she all of a sudden started putting up her walls not letting anyone in after her fallout with maxine and the group .

" all i'm asking is where this will lead us ginny we've been messing around for a long ass time and your constantly saying you love me but we haven't talked about serious shit and your blowing it off"

Out of nowhere she groaned and yelled " I don't want something serious with someone who is so fucked up . you haven't gotten help with your mental issues and how are we suppose to work if  neither of us will face reality right now "

my jaw clenched" are you fucking serious my problems my problems ginny look who's talking here and how come we haven't talked about the lighters huh"

before she could respond the two glass doors to the entrance of the school flung open.

this girl she had my attention off ginny extremely quick .

ginny smiled " hi I'm ginny welcome to mays high school you must be lilou hope I'm saying it right"

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ginny smiled " hi I'm ginny welcome to mays high school you must be lilou hope I'm saying it right"

the girl smiled her eyes were green they shimmered when the sun hit them her skin was gleaming

" hi I am indeed lilou you must be my tour guide ginny you said ?" ginny nodded and pulled the girl off in the direction of the classrooms .

my eyes and hers met for a second she smirked I forgot I was angry for a second and winked at her .

I walked to my locker and hunter walked over " so what happened in the halls and dude did you see the new girl ?"

I laughed sarcastically " honestly me and ginny I think our thing or whatever she calls it is coming towards an end we keep fighting about what she wants to do . I'm tired of waiting for someone who seems like she's slowly losing interest"

he sighed " I'm sorry man I'd give you advise but I know how she is a bit destructive when it comes to relationships you seen what happened to us what happened to her group " mang" they called it none of them talk" .

I nodded " I mean me and max are good now I talked to her and honestly I don't think she's even really mad it's ginny who think she is ginny did this yeah I mean we had sex but I think our spark or whatever you call it is gone she always starts shit with me for no reason"

he nodded " well if you wanna work on my dad's car later we can the old red impala" I smiled " yeah we can do that man take my mind off this girls bullshit" he laughed " alright man catch you later then" I waved .

I shut my locker and headed to my workshop class .

I walked in and there she was talking to the teacher lilou the girl looked heavenly and she was beautiful in her aura .

I sat in my seat the teacher called my name " Marcus raise your hand so lilou can see her workshop partner please" I smirked and she walked over .

her up close definitely had me feeling a way she was beautiful no denying that but her skin looked so soft and smooth she smiled at me " marcus hi ?" I smiled " hi lilou" .

the entire period of workshop I would steal little glances as we took notes she'd catch them . her cheeks would tint a bit red making my lip get caught between my teeth .

as the period ended the teacher requested we exchange numbers so we did .

I walked out " where you headed lils ?" she blushed yet again glancing at the floor " um ginny talked really fast when she was giving me the tour she was mostly talking about her family where's the music room ?"

I chuckled taking her schedule when our hands touch her skin was warm it radiated onto my fingertips making me get the chills but I played it off and guided her through the busy halls of the school .

when I got there she turned " thank you I'll see you around" I nodded and went to my next class.

l i l o u

I walked into the music room and spotted a girl with an empty seat next to her she had her head buried in her phone .

I talked to the teacher first then I went and plopped down in the bean bag next to her I smiled " hey" she looked up she had a sadness in her eyes I didn't like at all .

she smiled hopefully " are you new and girl your gorgeous" I giggled " I am new hi lilou why do you look so down I'm here" she laughed " wow your a bright one" I rose my brows " what's the supposed to mean ?"

she laughed " nothing I'm abby what instrument do you play?" I giggled " hello abby I play most of the instruments in here except the triangle , trombone , the weird instrument well the ones I think are weird"

she laughed the entire period we were talking about music and shopping . I then invited her over after school for movies and xbox and ps5 . she was a cool girl dope and all .

when school ended me and abby were walking out when I jumped at the roar of a motorcycle and there he was the boy who's stare made my stomach erupt with butterflies marcus .

I watched him speed out I licked my lips abby poked my side " does lilou have a crush already ?" I laughed " no I do not marcus is just marcus heh" .

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