no time

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after our walk to my home  me and abby watched Marcus pull into the house next to mine , that's what interrupted my sweet slumber .


abby nudged me " look at that he lives right next door to you wow girl you just keep getting lucky huh ? " she joked , I laughed " shut up".

I walked in the smell of cannabis filled my nose " mama I'm home from school with my friend abby , my mom runs a dispensary hence the smell don't mind it"

she gasped " dude that's fucking dope your mom is officially my favorite" I laughed . we walked in the kitchen and I went and got a pot brownie out the warmer it's something to keep our pastries warm " you want one ?"

she grinned " hell yeah girl I love this your mom's chill she sells weed can we switch lives ?" my mom walked in " how was school hello ladies you are ?"

she smiled " hi ms . west , I'm abby" she nodded " you girls hungry I'm gonna go get some ramen from the place I saw yesterday ?" she kissed my head I nodded .

" you want ramen ab?" she nodded " thanks that's uh sweet of you" I smiled and my mom was on her way .

she looked at me " can I ask a question?" I laughed " where's my dad yeah ?" she laughed " I wasn't gonna ask that" she said questionably .

I smirked " my dad is the ceo of a company located in new york , he and my mom are separated currently kinda on and off , their weirdos it's part of why I kinda get the freedom I do"

she smiled " I feel you on that , heavily" I smiled sadly " I'm sorry girl it sucks to have to go through that" she smiled softly "'s nice , to know I'm not alone with the feeling of having to choose between the two" I nodded .

I sipped on the smoothie I'd pulled out from the fridge while she spoke to me .

" so what's there to know about marcus , and ginny they have history ?" she laughed " well , last year ginny was the new girl like you she was kind of a bitch to be honest we aren't friends. she split up our group she continuously made everything about herself and it was tiring honestly I know I sound stuck up when I say that but it's true"

I laughed " I get what your saying totally , but how are her and marcus connected hm ?" she smirked " they slept together...she slept with her best friends brother" my jaw dropped " holy shit , that's interesting" .

she laughed and I heard the door , I walked and abby yelled " bet that's him his mom always brings new neighbors cookies they are so good".

I laughed and opened the door and there he was shirtless sweaty with cookies . I smiled he laughed " hey my mom made cookies , welcome to the neighborhood lilou" I blushed " want to come in for some water you look hot"

he grinned " I look hot huh ?" I laughed stuttering out words " I..I m..meant , your sweating heh" he laughed " that'd be nice" I moved so he could walk in .

we made our way to my kitchen he laughed loud " why does it smell like y'all were rolling up in here ?" I laughed and so did abby " dude , get this her mom runs a dispensary she gave me a pot brownie I love it here already"

he laughed " is that so ?" I nodded getting a water out of the fridge . he laughed " dude that's dope" I smiled putting it in his hand my eyes wandered all over his body .

he smirked when our eyes met " where'd you come from ?" I smiled " new york" he nodded in realization I guess I couldn't read him.

he laughed looking at the imaginary watch on his wrist " well , I should be going back so I'll see you around yeah ?" I nodded "yeah see you around" he let himself out.

my mom walked in " who was the boy exiting my house lilou ?" I laughed " just a boy mama" she laughed " that's what I told my ma and now I have a 17 year old on birth control with condoms in her bedside table"

I laughed " I'm being safe and ma I haven't even had sex calm down the farthest I've gone is literally dry humping" she laughed " shut up child"

after we ate dinner we did homework and I walked abby home and on my walk home I seen him talking to his friends in a garage.

I smiled and waved continuing my walk home . when I got home I made it to my shower and washed my hair and body then changed into a loose fitting tee and pajamas. I went straight to bed dozing off as soon as I laid my head down .

 the next day I got ready and as soon as I walked out my door there he was hopping on his motorcycle

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the next day I got ready and as soon as I walked out my door there he was hopping on his motorcycle. I can't lie the bike is hot and I've never really been interested in a white boy but hey .

he's hot you can't blame me I made my way down the street about to cross the cross walk when he pulled up in front of me " wanna lift ?"

I smiled " you only have one helmet" he laughed " okay my hair can flow in the wind" I smirked " okay yeah hold on" I made sure my backpack was zipped tightly.

I then looked at him " how do I, uh get on this thing ?" he laughed " come here" I walked over he got off the motorcycle and put his hands on my hips and lifted me up .

He then set me down on the motorcycle " just lift your leg over like how I was sitting" I did and he smiled I laughed and he got on as well. his scent intoxicated my nose .

I smiled softly and he grabbed my hands and wrapped them around his waist after putting the helmet on my head " hold on tight" .

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