live the life

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n i l h e a

when we got home lilou and her friends went to her room after helping me get settled in .

at first I stayed with my dad because I absolutely loved new york but after much thought I realized that it might be good to chill with my sister. There was a plus her friend was checking me out I have a gaydar you could say .

I walked to there room and listened by the door " seriously are you all a family of models your sister is hot even abby agrees" she laughed. " max are you crushing ? ,  it seems you have a slight crush"

the girl I presumed to  be maxine and gay giggled nervously " no I don't , she's really pretty is she single of course if it's okay with you ?"

the girl I presumed to  be maxine and gay giggled nervously " no I don't , she's really pretty is she single of course if it's okay with you ?"

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I laughed and opened the door " it's okay I'm single" I winked and shut the door and heard her squeal " shoot me now she was listening" .

lilou laughed softly " I forgot to mention my sister was gay heh whoops"

I thought to myself " this could be fun she's cute all nervous" .

a few days later

a few days later

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m a r c u s

I waited outside her door ginny had a ride to school lilou though was being extremely stubborn.

she walked out obviously looking like an angel sent down

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she walked out obviously looking like an angel sent down . I smirked " hello" she was grumpy " why are you here?" . I laughed " you thought I was kidding no you are getting a ride from me lils"

she laughed " no I'm not I'm going to walk with my sister to school?"

I rose my brows " sister ?" the door opened revealing a girl looking definitely related to lilou

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I rose my brows " sister ?" the door opened revealing a girl looking definitely related to lilou .

she smirked " is this the boy lils ?" lilou smacked her arm " shut up nini come on bye marcus" I watched her and her sister walk off hand in hand .

I drove to ginny's " bye mom bye seriously , I'm not doing this with you summer I got away from you and stayed with dad.  I needed to get away from all the shit you've been hiding from us" .

Georgia yelled " Virginia you can't keep doing this you're not being responsible at all with this Marcus don't drive off" I didn't ginny got on " go I don't want to hear her"

I sighed " what's the problem ?" her mom yelled " I found a used condom on the floor if you're going to be  having sex-" I froze me and ginny don't use protection because she's on the pill.

ginny got off my bike I snatched my helmet and drove off fast I got to the school and seen lilou walking up to the building .

I don't what got into me but I walked up to her and grabbed her chin and kissed her deeply.  she dropped her books and I felt her hands hold my waist tightly .

I broke it and I looked at her green eyes staring back at me she smiled softly " talk later?" I smiled " I'm a mess okay" she laughed " you can be my mess let's just hang later yeah ?"

I nodded she blushed " what a way to start my day" she bit her lip and smiled shyly . I picked up her books and handed em too her then walked off .

that felt right I don't care what anyone says she feels right. at lunch I seen her sitting down with my sister she shook her head no I laughed at Maxine's attempt off telling me not to scare lilou .

I creeped up hearing her talk about me  " I don't know it was nice I'm sorry I know he's your brother but he's hot and this morning very much hot"

I leaned down by her ear " I'm hot , really ? " she jumped up " oh my god marcus you can't do that" I laughed " why not" I peeked my head around to see her pink rosy cheeks . She caressed my cheek " you want to talk now ?"

I smiled " um I was gonna ask if you wanted to go off campus today eat and talk about stuff?" she smiled " well I am hanging with my friends hold on" I couldn't help it I kissed her again .

she laughed " stop it your sister we're probably making her uncomfortable" I laughed " sorry max" she didn't respond we both looked at her she was too entertained by nilhea.

we both laughed and she announced to the group " hey abs you okay with my sister and max" she smiled " yes babe , go figure that out for us all text later" I laughed " what if she's busy?" she looked at me " hush" she covered my mouth with her tiny hand .

I kissed it and she giggled " I will abby thank you"

she got up and we  left when we got outside the school I put the helmet on her head and picked her up then set her on my bike.  she sat in front of me this time  she laid back on me giggling as I drove to a sandwich spot by the beach .

when we got there I put her bag in my trunk thing and mine too and locked it .

I then walked hand in hand with her we ordered and after we got our food . I took off her shoes and carried her to a good spot on the beach she sat in my lap facing me .

" before we eat let's talk yeah" she pouted " it's so close yet so far" I laughed and kissed her lips " lilou I want to be with you but I don't want you to be a rebound or any of that"

she chewed on the inside of her cheek " okay so , what are we doing right now" I smiled " we're getting to know each other our families" she smiled " hanging out , kissing , and maybe sleepovers ?" she giggled at the last one .

I nodded " yeah also , I wanna take you on dates taking you to the best spots in wellsbury" she smiled " so...?" I laughed " we are a thing now"

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