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Pov Max

I headed over to finneas house and knocked on the door and he answered

Max: Hey buddy!

Finneas: Yo!

I hugged him and he let me in

Max: Hello Mrs. O'Connell

Maggie: Hey max how have you been

Max: Amazing

I hugged her and we went to finneas room

Max: So how did it go with claudia

I wiggled my eyebrows and he hit my shoulder

Finneas: She's a nice girl we've went on several dates and im ready to ask her to be my girlfriend

Max: You better

I touched his hair and he moved my hand

Finneas: Let's go bother Billie

Max: Yes

We got up and went to her room

Billie: Get out!

Max: No why you so mean Eilish

Her friends looked at me and twisted their hair

Billie: Guys what are you looking at

?: She's hot

Max: Thank you

Billie: Drew stop blushing over that lump of skin

I gasped

Max: Lump of skin

Billie: Yes now get out

Finneas: Billie shut up your so mean to her for what

Max: Because she has a little crush

We laughed

Billie: Mom!

Maggie: Max and finneas leave her alone!

Max: Yes ma'am

Finneas: Snitch

She threw a pillow at the door and we closed it just in time before it hit us and we laughed and went back to finneas room


Pov Billie

I swear max can be annoying sometimes but a cute annoying, Billie what are you talking about

Zoe: Im gonna hop on that

She got up but i grabbed her arm

Billie: No you will not i will literally kill you

She surrendered and sat down

Drew: How long have they knew each other

Billie: Since they were born and as they grew up they became more annoying

The door opened again and finneas and max came back in

Billie: Get out

Max: Let's call a truce

Finneas: Yea no more picking on each other

Dad: Guys Football game lets go

They ran out the room and we put our shoes on and got into the car



We arrived to the field and max and finneas raced to the middle

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