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How is the book so far?

Pov Billie (1 week later)

I scrolled on Max's Instagram and liked some photos

Billie: Ugh she's so fine

Zoe: Who's fine i wanna see

Billie: No

She tried to take my phone but i slapped her hand

Zoe: Is it sabrina Claudio

Billie: No

Zoe: Justin bieber

Billie: Zoe shut up

She's supposed to be coming today but the whole ordeal with ariana got her fucked up she says it's not her baby and i believe her she's working with Calvin Klein and Nike as a model so she makes a pretty big amount of money and im proud

Finneas: Hey is Max on her way

Billie: I don't know

I texted her


Billie: Are you on your way

Max: Baby i can't make it Lauren dropped jace off to me and i have to watch him maybe you can come by later?

Billie: Of course tell jace I'll see him in a few

Max: Ok


Billie: She can't make it she's really busy

Finneas: That's a bummer

Billie: Yep


(Pov Max) a few hours later

Max: Jace stop running!

This kid is driving me nuts he kept running around the house without his pants on

Max: Let me put your pants on!

Jace: No!

He continued laughing and the doorbell ringed and i answered

Max: Hey

Billie: Hey baby

She kissed me and walked in and jace ran into her

Max: See i told you to stop running

Jace: Ow

Billie picked him up and he hugged her

Billie: You ok

Jace: Yes im sorry mama

Max: It's ok

I put his pants on and he got out of Billie's arms and went to go watch tv

Billie: You stressed

Max: Yes he was driving me nuts all day

Billie: Maybe i could give you a massage tonight

Max: With those nails

Billie: The nails that scratch your back all the time yes

Max: Ok i get it i would love a massage Lauren should be picking him up later

Billie: ok i haven't seen you all week and i missed you

Max: I missed you too

We kissed and sat down beside jace and watched movies until we fell asleep



I woke up to the knocking on the door max got up and opened it

Lauren: I was blowing up your phone Where's jace

Max: He's asleep

She came back over and got jace he immediately laid on her shoulder and she walked back to the door

Lauren: Thank you again

Max: No problem

She left and max closed the door and got back on the couch and cuddled into me

Max: Are you hungry i can make some food

Billie: How about i make you something

Max: I would like that

I got up and went to the cabinet

Billie: Burgers

Max: Yes baby that's fine

I cooked the burgers and i was finished in about 15 i grabbed our plates and gave her Here's we ate and cuddled i ran my fingers through her hair even though max is always mad she can be soft too she took her shirt off and laid back down

Billie: You ok

Max: Yea just tried

I continued to play in her hair until i heard snoring i smiled and went to sleep too



I woke up and Billie was gone that's strange because she would've woke me up but i am a heavy sleeper i heard something up stairs and i grabbed my bat i heard another thump and gripped my bat tightly i went upstairs to my bedroom and the door opened and they screamed

Billie: Oh shit don't hit me

I put the bat down and huffed

Max: I didn't know you where up here

Billie: Who else would it be

Max: A ghost

Billie: How would you see a ghost

I opened my mouth then closed it

Billie: Yea dosen't make much sense now does it

I shook my head no and she started laughing

Max: Be quiet

She pulled me into the room and closed the door

Max: What are you-

She dropped her towel and my mouth dropped and she pushed me on the bed

Billie: You are in for a treat...


711 Words

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