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Pov Billie (Five months later)

Max has been gone and im pregnant with a baby and it's hers i know that for a fact because que used a condom and max doesn't it's time for her funeral i miss her so much they couldn't revive her they pronounced her dead at 1:30pm i saved the voicemail just to listen to her voice every now and then i have pictures and things but it's not the same finneas and claudia moved in with me to make sure i didn't do anything to myself

Finneas: Are you ready?

Billie: Wait give me a second

I went into the closet and smelled some of Max's cologne

Finneas: Come on Billie we don't want to be late

I walked out of the closet and walked outside...


We arrived to the funeral there were lots of people here we walked up to the seat and sat down i saw ariana and Lauren talking i kept my head low and Lauren came over

Lauren: Hey Billie how are you and the baby

Billie: Fine

Lauren: Alright

She patted my shoulder and left the service started and it was time for people to speak and my mom went of first

Mom: I never thought in a million years that max would do this to herself

She sniffed

Mom: She was never good with resolving her problems and she would always run to me for help or advice and i would give it to her and she still wouldn't use it

She chuckled

Mom: I have a little grandbaby on the way that she left behind

I smiled and rubbed my stomach

Mom: Finneas would like to say a few words

Finneas walked to the mic and fixed his shirt

Finneas: I have a lot to say

He grabbed a paper and put it infront of him

Finneas: Max wasn't just a normal person to me she was my bestfriend i remember the day i met her we were 12 she moved next door with her foster parents she was outside playing and she fell down and scraped her knee i offered to help but she didn't excepted my help she walked back inside the house and slammed the door the start of high school we were the cool kids the amazing duo we were inseparable every time we would go to my house she would ask for those peanut butter cookies

He chuckled

Finneas: Those damn peanut butter cookies she would play the piano because she was amazing if she was still here im pretty sure she is in spirit she would say finneas shut the fuck up

Everyone laughed

Finneas: I miss my buddy im gonna be a Uncle soon

He finished his speech and ariana and Lauren did there's and mine was the last one i walked up to the mic and looked at everyone my mom rubbed my back

Billie: Max was-

I had to stop myself from crying

Billie: Max was so special to me a few weeks after she died i was looking through the room and underneath a dresser i found a wedding ring and a note im gonna read it

I grabbed the note and looked at it

(1 year ago) Pov Max

Bestfriend B.E (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now