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Pov Max (1 week) ⚠️ Death

It's been a week since I've seen Billie and i could care less she poured water on me when i tried to see my son I've just been getting high there's nothing else for me to do

Finneas: You good?

I slouched on the couch and finneas sat me up

Max: Im throwing my life away for a girl who doesn't love me

Finneas: That's not true Billie does love you

Max: Sure she does...

TIMESKIP (Pov Billie)

I haven't told anyone this but i had sex with que yesterday and it's weighing heavily on my mind i need to tell max so i invited her over she sat infront of me and she smelled like a bar and i was pissed

Billie: Have you been drinking

Max: Yep and snorting coke and all kinds of crazy shit

I signed

Max: You kicked me out for what

Billie: You tried to rape me

Max: I- You

She tried to get something out but she couldn't she signed

Billie: I did something wrong

She sat up and looked at me

Max: What did you do

Billie: I fucked que

She froze and opened her mouth her emotions were around the place

Max: How could you-

Billie: Im sorry

Max: I- Can't belive you

Im so stupid

Max: You said we were on a break just to get some time away from each other and you do this

She got up and so did i

Max: I guess you and i are done

I shook my head yes she walked passed me and turned around and faced me

Max: Can you take jace to Lauren and you can have this place have a good life Billie

She walked out and i started crying i fucked up...


I continued looking at the ceiling i ate in silence nobody is here to help me so i just might end it all right Billie doesn't care she's just another selfish bitch i called her and it went to voicemail

Max: Hey baby i meant Billie your such a famous popstar and you think you can just fuck up my life well fuck you Billie i don't have anything because of you and i fucking hate you for it i gave you my all

I sobbed

Max: I love you Billie i just wanted you to know that before i go i just wanted you to listen before i go tell jace i love him I'll be out of you lives soon

I bit my lip

Max: Thank you for loving me im sober just know I'll be watching from above What's the easy way of killing yourself jumping off a bridge there many options this isn't because of you so don't blame yourself for this it's my own doing i love you so much bye

I hung up and got up and grabbed my keys and put my shoes on and ran out the house and got into my car i drove to the bridge and parked i saw lots of people walking on the bridge and sat on the beam

?: Hey i think you should get off that

I looked down and stood up and turned to the lady

Max: Nobody cares about me anymore so why should i

?: Hey don't throw your life away

Max: To late

I feel backwards and i hear her scream i smiled and then everything went black...

TIMESKIP (Pov Billie)

I dropped jace off to his mom as max wished i miss her my phone chimed and i had a voicemail i clicked on it and it was Max's voice

Max: Hey baby i meant Billie

Jesus christ is she drunk again i rolled my eyes and continued listening

Max: Your such a famous popstar and you think you could just fuck up my life

The fuck is this a threat or some shit i kept listening

Max: well fuck you Billie i don't have anything because of you and i fucking hate you for it i gave you my all

She sobbed and i sat down in the car and put it on speaker

Max: I love you Billie i just wanted you to know that before i go

What does she mean

Max: i just wanted you to listen before i go tell jace i love him and I'll be out of your lives soon

I started my car and continued to listen and i started to tear up

Max: What's the easiest way of killing yourself jumped off a bridge there's so many options this isn't because of you so don't blame yourself

I drove to the nearest bridge and pulled over i saw ambulance and police i ran but they stopped me

Officer: Ma'am this is a crime scene you can't go in

Billie: That's my girlfriend in there you don't understand

He pushed me back

Billie: Max!

They were going CPR on someone

Billie: Tell me what happened i need to know!!

?: Who are you looking for

Billie: My girlfriend black hair black clothing glasses

?: She jumped i tried to talk her out of it but she jumped

My world came crashing down everything was in slow motion

Billie: What was she wearing

?: All black

That's max i walked off to the side and saw her car door still opened and engine still ruining the ambulance drove off and i stood there

Billie: Why didn't you help her

?: I tried my best i really did-

Billie: No the fuck you didn't she would still be here with me if i didn't fuck up it's all my fault what am i gonna tell jace and finneas oh my god finneas

I ran back to my car and called him

Finneas: Hello

Billie: Max is dead

Finneas: What?!

Billie: Come to the deep creak bridge

Finneas: Im on my way

I hung up and sat in my car and listened to the voicemail on replay until finneas got here

Finneas: Were is she!

Billie: She's gone

Finneas: No- She's not don't say that shit Billie

Billie: Im sorry it's my fault...

1028 Words

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