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Pov Max (1 week later)

Max: School time!

I yelled and walked into Jace's room and he got up slowly and he went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth i got his uniform out

Jace: Where's Billie

Max: You'll see her later she had some business to take care of

He put his uniform on and fixed his hair i grabbed his backpack and we headed out the door..

TIMESKIP ( Pov Billie)

Billie: Are you fucking kidding me right now finneas!?

Finneas: No im not tour starts today

I huffed

Finneas: I already packed your things

Finneas: You forgot didn't you

Billie: So i have a family

Finneas: A family?! Billie your 18

I scoffed

Finneas: It's max isn't it

Billie: Why are you holding a grudge against max?!

Finneas: Because you guys went behind my back! Im highly upset about it She dangerous do you want me to spell it for you D-a-n-g-e-r-o-u-s!

I slapped him and he stepped back

Billie: Asshole!

I grabbed my suitcase and walked outside and called max

Max: Hey bab-

Billie: Im going on tour

There was a long silence

Billie: Say something

Max: When

Billie: Today the bus is on the way

Max: Im coming

I started to cry

Max: Hey Princess don't cry please

Billie: Ok

She hung up the bus got here early and we all stood up i walked up to the bus and put my foot on the step i heard someone yelling and i looked to the left and saw max running

Max: Wait!

I dropped my things and ran to her i ran into her arms and she caught me

Billie: Did you run all the way here

Max: Yes i did because i love you

Billie: Jace is at school

Max: Yes he'll be sad that you left

Billie: I'll facetime you guys tonight

Max: Ok

Finneas: Sorry to interrupt but we gotta get this show on the road

She put me down

Billie: Good-

Max: Don't say goodbye it's only a couple of weeks or a month tops I'll see you in no time ok call me every night I'll answer

Billie: Alright

She kissed me it was sweet and long

Max: I love you

Billie: I love you too

I pecked her lips a few times and she walked me to the front of the bus and she let my hand go and i stepped on the bus and sat down and looked out the window max waved and i waved back the bus started and drove away...

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