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Pov Billie (1 week later)

Billie: Home sweet home

Max unlocked the door and we walked inside the house and turned the light on

Max: What the fuck!

I turned around and the house was trashed

Max: Call finneas

I called finneas


Finneas: Hello

Billie: Someone trashed Max's house

Finneas: Im on my way

He hung up
She started throwing things

Billie: Baby stop

Max: Stop what they ran through my fucking house!

Billie: Look calm down your scaring me and jace

She looked at both of us

Max: Im sorry guys

She hugged me and kissed my cheek

Max: Im just angry i didn't mean to scare you baby

Billie: It's ok

I kissed her lips and the doorbell ringed and she answered it

Finneas: We know who did it so let's go

She grabbed her jacket and i grabbed her arm

Billie: Be safe for me please

Max: I will

I kissed her one more time and she left...


I felt arms wrapped around me and i felt kisses on my back

Billie: Baby

Max: Yea

I felt her hand go into my pants

Billie: Wait

I turned on my back

Billie: What did you and finneas do

Max: We couldn't find them so we went for drinks

Billie: Were you drinking

Max: Yes

Billie: Were you driving

Max: No

She continued to kiss my neck i turned around and connected our lips i unbuttoned her pants and she unclipped my bra

Billie: Baby can you slow down what has you so rowdy

Max: You

She took off my pants

Billie: Max no

She continued

Billie: Stop

She continued and i pushed her off

Billie: Stop it

Max: What's the matter

Billie: I don't wanna have sex tonight

Max: Why not

Billie: Because you come in here drunk acting an ass and i don't get a hi or hello

She scoffed

Max: Whatever

Billie: Whatever- Max that's basically rape if i said stop or no that means i don't want it

Bestfriend B.E (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now