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Pov Billie

I woke up on top of max and she was rubbing my back

Billie: Good morning

Max: Morning Eilish

Her morning voice was raspy

Billie: I think my cheek i glued to your chest

She laughed

Max: Your hair smells good

Billie: Yea i know

She got up and looked through her bag and grabbed her toothbrush and my room door opened and it was Que he didn't tell me he was coming over he looked at max

Que: Why are you shirtless

Max: Why do you need to know

Que: Billie why is she shirtless

Billie: Because it gets hot at night

Que: I've slept over plenty of times

Billie: You don't you leave after we have sex

Max grabbed her things and left out the room but que stopped her

Que: If i see you again I will break your nose

Max: You can try

Billie: Max stay Que go

She smiled

Que: What why

Billie: I didn't invite you over and i need to talk to you outside

I got up and we went outside...


(Pov Max)

They went outside and i heard them talking then i heard yelling

Que: Fucking bitch!

I ran out the room and saw que and punched him and kept doing so until i got pulled off

Patrick: Max calm down

He made me look at him and i understood that i let my anger get out

Patrick: What happened

Max: He called Billie a bitch

Billie: We are no longer together i broke things off

Que: For her!?

Max: Yea and if she did so what!

Patrick pushed me back

Patrick:  walk the other way

I turned the other way and went into Billie's room and grabbed my things and Billie came in the room

Billie: Is this because of Que

Max: Nope

I started packing my stuff but she grabbed my hand

Billie: You need to calm down

Max: Billie-

Billie: Im serious cool it

Max: I can't

Billie: I know you can I've know you my whole life

She rubbed my hand and my stomach felt tingly  she looked at me and leaned in

Maggie: Hey guys what do you want for dinner

We both jumped and broke away

Billie: Uh i don't know

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