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Pov Billie

We went outside of the room and i hugged max

Max: This is to much

She mumbled

Billie: I know

I rubbed her back

Billie: I love you

Max: I love you too

She kissed me

Finneas: Group hug

We all hugged each other

Officer: recess is over

I kissed max again and we walked back inside

Judge: Alright Lauren come to the stand

She got up and went up to the stand and sat down

Judge: Tell me about your past relationship with max

Lauren: She wasn't faithful at all

Judge: What do you me

Lauren: She would go out and have sex with other girls and that's why i would hit her

Max: Why are you lying

Judge: Im not talking to you max

Max's lawyer got up and whispered something to the officer to tell the judge

Judge: Oh Lauren go back to your seat

She went back and sat down and smirked

Judge: The jury has made there decisions

Max sat up

Judge: The custody of jace jauregui goes to...

There was a long pause

Judge: Max Johnson

I gasped and Lauren slammed her hand on the table max got up and hugged me

Jace: Im staying with you mama

Max: Yes

She picked him up and kissed his forehead Lauren came over and looked at max

Lauren: Good luck asshole

She walked pass bumping shoulders with me

Max: Don't

Billie: Im not

We walked out of the courthouse and to the car

Mom: We'll see you guys later

Billie: Alright love you guys

Dad: Love you too

I put jace in his seat and buckled his seatbelt

Jace: Thank you

Billie: Your welcome

I got into the passenger seat

Jace: Is Billie my Mommy now

Max: Not your biological mom but your stepmom

Jace: So does that mean i get a sibling

Me and max never talked about having kids we are still young she's almost 20 and im about to be 19

Max: Not just yet your enough for right now

We got to the park and we got out and jace ran to the swings i held Max's hand and we walked to the bench and sat down

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