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Pov Billie

Finneas: What...the...fuck...

My heart dropped to my ass he charger max and she moved out of the way

Max: Dude chill

Finneas: There is no chill you're fucking my sister!

Max: That is What's happening

He grabbed a bat and raised it up

Max: Ok wait wait wait finneas it's not like that

Finneas: Then what is it like!

Billie: Can you calm down finneas!

Finneas: Are you guys together!

Max: Mhm

He charged her and hit the wall with the bat

Max: Why are you freaking out!

Finneas: Because your dick was in my sister and you're supposed to be my bestfriend!

Billie: First of all-

Finneas: Shut up!

Max: Don't talk to her like that!

Mom: Hey What's going on!

Finneas: Did you know Max was fucking Billie?!

Her eye widened and she looked at me

Finneas: You knew?!

Mom: Yes finneas but there in love

Finneas: Love?! That's impossible max dosen't love anyone but herself

(Pov Max)

Fuck this shit im gonna make a run for it i didn't think he was gonna take it to heart i moved a bit and there was a clear shot to the door i placed my feet and ran

Billie: Wait!

Max: Call me later!

Finneas was running behind me i got all the way down the street and kept going

Finneas: Im gonna kill you!

He's voice started to get faint in the distance i kept running and i saw a store i ran inside and caught my breath

?: Hi are you ok do i need to call the police

Max: No...Need

I looked up and it was this beautiful girl in a red dress she looked familiar

?: Here's some water

I drunk the water

?: What are you doing out here alone

Max: You don't wanna know

?: Oh i have to go have fun

She walked away and i ran back to Billie's house i might be crazy for doing it but i don't give a fuck she's my girl i made it to her window and tapped on it

Max: Billie it's me max

I heard the window open and i saw Billie crying i climbed inside and kissed her

Billie: I thought you weren't coming back

Max: I will always come back

I opened her door and walked to finneas room and opened the door

Max: Listen here

He looked at me and stood up

Finneas: I will fucking bury you six feet under

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