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Pov Max

I got into the car and shut the door

Ariana: Babe you ok?

Max: Yea can you drop me off at my mom's house I'll be home tomorrow

Ariana: Ok

She didn't even ask why or nothing we arrived to Maggie's house and i got out she didn't even kiss me she just drove off i opened the door and closed it and went to finneas's room

Finneas: Hey Max you ok?

Max: No

I started to tear up and he hugged me

Finneas: You ok?

Max: No im not she cheated on me

Finneas: Ariana

Max: Yes jace told me her heard it and i believe my son because i know he wouldn't lie to me and it's just too much

I held me and patted my back

Finneas: When did you tell her you'd be home

Max: Tomorrow

Finneas: You wanna catch her to see if it's true

Max: No shit it's literally my house and she had sex in my bed not with me but with someone else

I wiped my face

Finneas: Let's go to a bar and get a few drinks and wait until tonight then we will go to your house and we'll see

Max: Alright



We had a few drinks and it was now 12:00am Maybe she's sleep i don't know we are on the way now and i have a baseball bat and im ready to fuck some shit up we arrived and the house lights were off

Max: Im hella nervous

Finneas: Don't be just be quiet make no noise

Max: Alright

We got out the car and i closed the door i went up  the steps and silently opened the door and the livingroom smelled good like some type of cooking and ariana doesn't really cook only for special occasions

Finneas: Check around

He whispered i went to the kitchen and there was a two wine glass on the table one with lipstick and one without i went up the stairs quickly and so did finneas i gripped the baseball bat and the door was cracked opened the lights off i walked in the room and turned the lights on and i couldn't believe it ariana was in bed with another  man i pulled the covers off and they both woke up and ariana eyes widened

Ariana: Baby-

Max: Don't fucking say that to me!

She covered her body with her hands

?: Hey man im sorry

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