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Pov Billie (1 week later)

Max has been in juvenile detention since last week she's getting out soon so i can't wait and then the abuse trial begins for jace to see who gets custody for him i walked into the vist place and walk to the front desk

?: Hi who are you here to see

Billie: Max Johnson

She typed on her keyboard and gave me a sticker

?: Go to the phone booth you have 30 minutes to talk

Billie: Thank you

I already know were to go I've been here through the week i see her frequently i walked to the phone booth and sat down and waited for max the door opened and she had a blue jumpsuit on and handcuffs on her wrist they took them off and she sat down and grabbed the phone

Max: Hey baby

Billie: Hey how are you

Max: Im fine it's not to bad in here i just miss you

Billie: I miss you too

Max: How's jace

Billie: He's fine he's sleeping with me in my bed and im helping him get to school

Max: That's awesome

Billie: Maybe he could come see you

Max: No i don't want him seeing me like this

Billie: Ok

Max: How are you holding up

Billie: I don't know to be honest i just miss you i don't like seeing you like this

I started to tear up

Max: I know

I sniffed

Billie: I love you so much max

Max: I love you too

Max: Wipe your face for me

I wiped my face

Max: You're so beautiful Princess-

Before she could finish her sentence the buzzer ringed

Max: I gotta go i love you

Before i could say i love you too they took her away i got my stuff and walked out of the building i got into my car and avoided the paparazzi and drove off...

TIMESKIP (Pov Billie)

Billie: Ok jace 10+3

I held up 10 fingers and he held up 3 and he counted them

Jace: 13

Billie: Good job

He filled out his homework and he finished it

Jace: When is mama coming home

Billie: Soon i promise

Jace: Ok

He laid down and cuddled into me just like max would

Jace: I love you Billie

Billie: I love you too

He's so adorable i closed my eyes and fell asleep...

Pov Max (Next day)

I couldn't sleep last night hoping that Billie and jace were ok i got up and stretched

Officer: Inmate 1008 You have a visitor

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