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Pov Billie

I started driving and it was silent except for my radio playing we got to her house and she got out and we went inside

Max: You can take the bed

Billie: Ok

She put some covers on the couch and laid down

Billie: Are you fine down here

Max: Im fine Billie

Wow. She never calls me Billie

Billie: Ok

I went upstairs and took my clothes off and laid down i fell asleep instantly...



I didn't get any sleep last night because Billie's been on my mind i don't know why i broke things off she's a good girl of course but i just don't know

Billie: Hey

Max: Hi

She walked to the kitchen and got a bowl

Billie: Do you have any froot loops

Max: Yea

I got up and got them from the cabinet

Max: Here you go

Billie: Thanks

I looked at her and she walked away i sat back down on the couch and i felt Billie touch my hand

Billie: We have to talk

Max: About

Billie: Why'd you break up with me

Max: I don't know

Billie: You know what i hate

Max: What

Billie: That im in love with you

Max: You shouldn't be im bad for you

Billie: No your not

She turned my face to her

Billie: Im in love with you and i can't resist you

Max: Billie-

She kissed me and i kissed back she climbed on top of me and continued kissing me and i pulled away

Billie: I want us to be together again you make me happy

I tucked a piece of hair behind her ear

Max: I'd like that a lot

She smiled and we started kissing again...



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