How To Plan A Wedding In Two Months

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The air around them seemed to disappear all of a sudden, and the calm before the storm shattered.

"Did you say two months?!" Zelda nearly shouted.

"Er...Yes?" Purah smiled sheepishly. "It's kinda already too late though, I've already sent the email..."

The colleagues sat rooted to the chairs, their mouths dropped open.

"B-but don't worry! Most of the wedding's already been planned!" Purah explained in an attempt to calm them down.

"Hold on, what do you mean? Most of it's already been planned?" Link asked, breaking his silence. Purah shrugged her shoulders.

"Well ya' see, the bride and groom originally decided to plan the wedding themselves, but they both soon realized it was way to much of a challenge. So they already have a venue picked out, along with the bride's dress and the groom's tux...stuff like that." She said.

It did little to ease their worries though, and the room filled with silence.

"Erm...You guys can go now." Purah said with an awkward smile.

Zelda nodded slowly trying to maintain her composure, then lightly headed for the door. Link did the same thing and followed her. Both of them silently questioning what they had gotten themselves into.

Link shut the door behind them, Zelda stood in place not inching away from where she stood.

"So..." Zelda said breaking the awkward silence between them. "What in Hylia's name are we going to do?" She laughed uneasily.

Link looked at her with the same expression she wore, one of pure terror. He had a perplexed look on his face, trying to find words to say.

"W-well, um." He stuttered. "We still have to see the couple. We can start getting things together once we meet them."

His sentence was followed with more awkward silence.

"Right." Zelda said, though it was obvious in her tone of voice that she was still very unsure.

🌹 🌹🌹

The young wedding planner went about her day, keeping the looming thought in the back of her head. And unfortunately it had an affect on her work.

"Are you alright?" Mitzi asked after she heard Zelda grunt in annoyance for the fifth time.

"Heh....No..." Zelda sighed. "I just screwed up another email, I'm gonna have to rewrite it."

Mitzi looked at her friend in worry. "Are you sure you're okay though?" She asked. "This is the fifth email you've 'screwed up' in the past hour."

Zelda chuckled slightly. "Oh yeah..." She said rubbing her temples. "Purah just asked me to plan a wedding in two months."

The room lay quiet for a few seconds.

Then, Mitzi's jaw dropped open. "Did you say two months?!" She asked. "Is that what she pulled you into her office for, earlier this morning?!"

Zelda nodded, her face still buried in her hands. "I'm not doing it alone though. Link's planning it with me."

Mitzi wore an odd look on her face. "Wait, he is?" "Who's wedding are you even planning? I've never heard of a two person project before."

Zelda stared at the ceiling. "Her name is...Paris, or something" She said.

"Paris...Hilton?" Mitzi giggled.

"Pfft, maybe" Zelda smirked. "Now, I gotta rewrite this dumb email again."

Hours went by and 9 o'clock hit, Mitzi had just left the office.

Tying The Knot: A Zelink Fanfiction (Wedding Planner AU)Where stories live. Discover now