Everything Will Be Perfect

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"You did what?!" Mitzi exclaimed.

Zelda had just finished frantically explaining the events of last night to her friend. From the fireworks show to the feeling of Link's hands in hers.

"Wow, you had quite a night didn't you?" Mitzi giggled as Zelda sighed dramatically, pushing back in her swivel chair and staring awestruck at the ceiling.

"I sure did." Zelda said, blissfully. "You think he'll be in today?"

Mitzi shrugged. "I hope not, because then you won't be able to pay attention." She teased.

"Oh whatever." Zelda scoffed.

The two wedding planners kept bantering playfully, until the door to the office opened.
Sure enough, Purah steppped out, clipboard in hand

"Zelda?" She called her name. The wedding planner shot up in her seat. "Yes, Miss Purah?" Zelda asked, fixing her hair.

"I'm in need of you in the office." Purah said, sticking her pen behind her ear.

Zelda nodded, and followed her into the office. Mitzi mouthed: "good luck!" as her colleague left.

Once the two had gotten into the office, Purah discretely shut the door behind them, setting her clipboard on her desk as she sat down in the chair behind it.

"What did you need to see me for?" Zelda asked as soon as her boss had sat down.
Purah adjusted her glasses and cleared her throat.

"I just wanted to check up on how everything was going with your wedding planning?" She said, a smile lining her face.

Zelda smiled back, recalling all that had happened throughout the past two months.

She folded her hands in her lap, taking a seat in an open chair.

"Oh it's been going better than ever." Zelda explained. "The bride and groom have both been so kind, and Link has been such an amazing partner- t-to work with."

Wow, what a save.

"Ahem, uh- yeah, it's all been going better than ever and I'm very happy you could give me this assignment." Zelda finished off.

Purah chuckled lightly, returning her smile.

"You know something Zelda?"
"At first I was debating whether or not to even give the wedding to you, given the size of the wedding they wanted and the fact you had to work with someone else on it."

"It was a pretty big assignment."

Zelda nodded.

"But you've proven to me that you're more than capable of taking on things like this, and I'm so very proud of you for it." Purah said.

Zelda's vocal chords tightened slightly.

"T-thank you, Miss Purah." She said, trying to remain as professional as possible.

A glimmer appeared in Purah's eye.

"Which is exactly why I'm gonna give you a raise."

The room lay completely quiet, as if all the air was sucked out of it. After a few seconds of this, Purah couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm being serious, Zelda."

A feeling of elation filled the wedding planner's chest, and her heart thudded.

"R-really?!" She gasped, her shock taking over.
Purah nodded.

"T-thank you so much!" Zelda said, still in disbelief.

Tying The Knot: A Zelink Fanfiction (Wedding Planner AU)Where stories live. Discover now