The Montagna Rosa Vineyard

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Saturday arrived.

Zelda wiped the grogginess from her eyes, as the morning sun streamed through the blinds.

She reached for her phone on the nightstand. A message from Link popped up in her notifications.

"Morning Zelda, see you at 12:00!" he had written.

"Can't wait, c'ya!" She typed back

How could I forget. She thought.

She trudged to her bathroom and pinned up her long blonde hair.

"Hmph, gonna have to trim this sometime soon" she mumbled as she reached for her toothbrush.

After getting ready, she grabbed her purse and headed out the door.


Zelda began her drive through the city. The vineyard was a bit far from her apartment complex, around a 30 minute drive.

"Our next song has been on the Top 40 charts for the past three weeks.." the radio host buzzed.

Zelda's mind, however, wasn't on the music the station was playing, she was busy running through what her introduction was gonna look like.

"Hi, I'm Zelda..." the planner said aloud to herself into her front view mirror. "Wait...that doesn't sound..." She cleared her throat and tried again

"Hello! Nice to meet you, I'm Zelda, and I'm thrilled to be helping plan..." Her act slowly fell.

"Why am I so nervous? I've done this a thousand times." She said frustratedly.

Then, her phone began ringing, and Link's name and number flashed onto her screen. She put her phone on the dashboard and turned on her speaker.

"Hey Link." She greeted him.

"Hi!" He said back. "I'm almost there, just calling to check how things were looking on your end?

"Oh uh, great." "Kinda got caught in traffic but I'm out of it now, I'll be there soon." She replied.

"Gotcha." Link responded.

Silence followed for a little while, until Link spoke again.

"You know...I'm actually pretty nervous." He chuckled. "Which is weird because I'm usually pretty chill with these things."

Zelda felt a sudden bit of relief, like a weight had been lifted from her chest.

"Heh, I kinda felt the same way too." She giggled.

Link laughed again. "Glad to hear I'm not alone." "C'ya there?" He asked.

"Of course." She replied.

Link hung up.


"You've reached your destination." Zelda's GPS chimed as she pulled her car into the pebble driveway.

"Woah..." Zelda said in awe at the sight of the vineyard.

A huge castle like building stood in front of her, with many windows and doors, cobblestone walls, and stucco finishings.

To its right, was a sea of leafy green grapevines, all of them packed tightly and neatly in their rows, with little traces of the red grapes poking out.

"Good Hylia in heaven." Zelda gasped lightly, stepping out of her vehicle.

Zelda began walking to the door of the building, taking time to breathe in the fresh, grape scented, air. Something new she'd have to get accustomed too.

Tying The Knot: A Zelink Fanfiction (Wedding Planner AU)Where stories live. Discover now