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The minutes trickled by, as Zelda mindlessly scrolled through her phone.

She was anxiously awaiting for 7:30 to arrive. The clock on the wall ticked away as time passed.

She stretched and got up off her bed and trudged to her closet, skimming through her clothes, wondering what to wear.
Her fingers gliding across her array of dresses and tops, eventually landing on a white dress, dotted with little pink flowers.

Zelda reached for it, pulling it out from among the other clothes.

"Haven't worn this one in a while." She sighed, reaching into her pocket to pull out her phone. Upon opening the weather app and reading "60 degrees", she reached for her jean jacket too, spreading out both of the clothing items onto her bed for later.

'ping!' a text from Link

Her heart flushed at the sight of his name, opening her notification.

"Hey!" He began. "I just wanted to tell you that Marcus, Paris, and I will be sitting on top of the hill near the fountain. I'm bringing a light blue blanket :)"

"Thanks!" Zelda responded, thinking their exchange was over, until another ping sounded from the phone in her hand.

"Look, I know what you're thinking but I'm telling you, it's all gonna be fine. Try to relax."

Zelda sighed. It was as if he'd read her mind.

"I know, but I can't help it." she wrote. "But I'll take your word for it."

Zelda shut off her phone and threw it in her purse, sighing as she did so.

"I feel like baking cookies." She mumbled to herself.

The wedding planner headed to her kitchen to grab ingredients.


The sky's once orange and red hues had slowly begun melting away, being replaced by the cool dark blues of the night sky. Small white stars began dotting the horizon.

Zelda reached the park in as little as 10 minutes, since her apartment was only a couple of blocks away.

Several grassy hills came into view. Families and friends alike had blankets splayed out across the grass, laughing. Some of the smaller children were running around without shoes on.

Shutting the car door behind her, she inhaled the evening air, her heart twisting into a funky coil again.

Hylia help this go by fast.

She made her way through the park, passing by a bunch of people getting ready for the show, making her way over to the hill near the fountain, where Link had told her they were sitting.

Sure enough, after a few minutes of looking around, she spotted Paris's blonde head. Sitting next to her was, as expected, Marcus.

She hurried over to them

Upon seeing her, the groom-to-be waved. Zelda nervously returned his gesture.

Luckily, the slightly awkward tension was broken by the bride-to-be.

"Zelda! It's so wonderful you could make it!" Paris said. "Isn't It a lovely evening?"

Zelda nodded. "For sure!" "Thanks again for inviting me, Marcus." The wedding planner turned slowly towards him as she spoke.

"Oh, er, no problem!" He said, uneasiness lined his voice.

Paris adjusted the watch on her wrist.

Tying The Knot: A Zelink Fanfiction (Wedding Planner AU)Where stories live. Discover now