Restaurant Hunting

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A week after the first meetup at the vineyard, Zelda, Link, Paris, and Marcus had begun looking into restaurants for the wedding.

"I don't think that last one was it." Paris said, after they'd walked out of the Italian diner they'd just been into. "They had some weird fettuccini".

"Well that's alright, we have one more restaurant to check out anyways." Link chimed in. "The Bella Serata." "They have great reviews on the website."

The four of them got into their taxi and told the driver the address.

Link and Paris began chatting with each other, while Zelda looked out the window, watching the city scenery.

"So, Zelda." a voice said.

It was Marcus.

"Tell me more about yourself. What's it like being a wedding planner? Is it stressful?"

Zelda was a little taken aback by the sudden question, but she quickly mustered up a response.

"Oh, well I uh...I've been a wedding planner for 4 years, and yes, it can be stressful at times, but all in all, I enjoy it." She replied.

Marcus raised an eyebrow, curiosity filling his bright blue eyes.

"Is this one stressful?" "This wedding?" He asked.

"Oh, er, not really." 

What is he getting at?

"It's a first for me though, I've never had to plan a wedding with another person." "I guess it's kinda reassuring though." She explained.

"I see." Marcus responded. He proceeded to slightly cock his head, as if to get a better look at her.

"You have really nice hair. That's a beautiful shade of blonde."

Link's words flashed back into her mind. He'd said the same thing that day at the agency.

Zelda hadn't realized she'd spaced out, so once she spaced back in, she was met with Marcus's curious stare.

"O-oh!" "T-thank you- very much." She replied, rather ungracefully.

Marcus let out a small giggle. "You humor me, Zelda" he said.

"I-I do?"

"You keep tripping over your words" he leaned back in his seat.

"Hmph." "I must be having an off day then." She replied.

"Everyone has them." Marcus said.


The cab pulled up in front of a ritzy looking restaurant.

It was big and modern looking, and fancy lights were strung everywhere. Fancily dressed people walked in and out of its huge glass doors, which had the restaurant's name "Bella Serata" printed on them in gold.

"Bella Serata means 'beautiful evening' in Italian" Marcus told Zelda as they were getting out of the car.

"Interesting." Zelda replied. "That's a nice name."

"Hey Zel." "Don't you think we might be a little underdressed for this place?" Link whispered to her after he had tipped the driver

"You, might be." She laughed.

Link opened his mouth, but he broke out into a cheeky smile before he could say anything.

Zelda turned around to see Marcus helping Paris out of the cab.

Tying The Knot: A Zelink Fanfiction (Wedding Planner AU)Where stories live. Discover now