You Won't Lose Me - Derek Hale

379 2 0

Derek x reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 265

Summary: the Alpha pack threatens Derek as we know but Y/n plans to do something about it


"Don't do this" Derek pleaded chasing Y/n around the loft

"I have to" she replied looking for her jacket

"No you don't" Derek stated grabbing her arm to stop her from moving

"I do" Y/n said turning to face him

"They're my problem. Not your." he shook his head

"They are making themselves my problem to." Y/n stated to him

"I don't want you to do it." Y/n could tell in his voice and eyes, there is a slight change with worry.

Y/n smiled at him turning to grab her jacket "well then good thing your not the boss of me."

"Please. You know I don't beg but I'm begging you right now. Don't do this." he moved to hug her from behind with a tight grip

"Derek-" she tilt's her head slightly

"I have lost everyone and everything. I cannot lose you to." Derek stated in a soft voice to keep from getting too emotional, resting his chin on her shoulder.

"You won't lose me." Y/n sighed softly leaning her head back on his shoulder

His hold tightens "you don't know that. And you can't promise that either."

"Come with me then? Derek you would never let anything hurt me. So come with if your so worried." she asked him, turning in his hold.

"Me being there could make them violent." Derek said, letting Y/n out of his hold.

"I don't plan on facing them. I plan on making a statement." Y/n just grabbed her jacket.

"You coming?" Y/n raised her eyebrows with a smirk.

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