Could Never Ruin Her Happiness - Isaac

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Stiles Stilinski x reader

Isaac Lahey x platonic reader

Warnings: a little sad

Word count: 362

Summary: Isaac falling in love with you, but your with Stiles


Isaac's p.o.v

"Hey, Isaac" y/n said coming up to me

"Hey, Y/n what's up?" I said smiling at her

"Well I know we were suppose to have a ""study"" slash movie marathon tomorrow" she said but I knew there was a but coming

"But," I said and stopped walking

"But ... I need to raincheck" she said looking nervous for my answer


"Well, I didn't realize that I have an important event that day." She played with her fingers, a nervous habit of hers

"Yeah ok, we can reschedule" I answered

"Yes! Yes! Thank you" She said excitedly, and kissed my cheek I watched her walk off. I hate that we have to reschedule.

And honestly, I wish I could have said 'no'.But I saw the glimmer of excitement in her eyes talking about her so-called ""event"".

Which I happen to know is her 2 year anniversary with Stiles. It's hard watching them together. And knowing all there anniversaries and dates together.I love her, but I missed my chance. She's happy with Stiles. And I'm pretty sure she only sees me as a friend.

^ ^ ^

"Does she kiss everyone?" I asked the pack with obvious jealousy in my voice

"No" Lydia answered while on her phone

"Look's like it" I replied watching Y/n kiss Stiles' cheek then neck before I had to look away

"She kisses all her close friends on the cheek" Scott answered looking confused as to why I asked in the first place

"She kisses Stiles on the lips because they're together. You know that." Lydia said as if it was the most obvious thing in the ever. To be honest it probably was.

"Yeah. Yeah I know that" I mumbled under my arm, resting my head on my arm. Looking at them is probably just torturing myself.

But I couldn't stop even if I wanted to.I love her- but she's with Stiles and as much as I hate saying this they are great together, not that I would say that out loud. I see how happy she is and I would never do anything to ruin her happiness even if it killed me.

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