Friendly Or Flirting? - Scott Mccall

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Scott x Fem!reader (Crush/ not together yet)

Warnings: none (Insecure feelings?)

Word count: 548

Summary: Scott doesn't like the Alpha twins hitting on Y/n.

"What's going on?" Scott asks as he comes to a stop next to Stile and Isaac in the school hallway.

"Nothing." Stiles shakes his head quickly not believing Scott needed to know, but Isaac ruined Stiles' plan.

"Just watching Y/n get hit on by the twins." Isaac smirks, but then gets hit upside the head by Stiles.

"Dude." Stiles looked at him with a glare.

"What?" Scott looks at them with shock and panic.

"Over there." Isaac nodds his head to where Y/n's with the alpha twins. "They've been flirting with her for the last 15 minutes."

Scott looks to where Isaac nodded to with wide eyes. "Seriously?"

Stiles nodds. "Yeah."

"What do you think it's about?" Scott questions, watching every movement they made towards his friend.

Stiles raises a brow at the true alpha. "What like ulterior motives?"

"They could just think she's hot." Isaac shrugged his shoulders, he'd admit Y/n was hot. But he instantly got glares from Scott and Stiles. "Not helping. Got it."

Later that day after school Y/n and Scott headed back to Scott's house to study. It had been an hour of pure silence and Y/n couldn't take it anymore.

"You okay? You've been silent since we left school." Y/n asks, looking concerned at him.

"What did the alpha twins want?" He blurted out what had been on his mind.

"Huh?" Y/n now looked at him confused.

"They were talking to you practically all day. What'd they want?" Scott shrugged his shoulders, not sure how his question wasn't clear.

"Nothing." Y/n shrugged back, not getting the big deal.

"They had to want something." Scott pushed wanting to know but also thinking in the back of his head was this to much? Was he just jealous?

"Is it so hard to believe that they'd just want to talk to me?" Y/n raises her eyebrows in shock at her friend's words.

Scott scoffs. "They were flirting, not talking."

Y/n nodds. "To flirt you have to talk."

"So you knew they were flirting." Scott looked at her with shock and disgust.

Y/n let's out a short laugh. "Kinda hard to miss but it was really only Aiden."

"Scott narrows his eyes after hearing the name come out of her mouth. "Ok so you have a preference on a twin."

"Ethan's gay!" Y/n yelled looking at Scott with shock and disbelief. "As for the flirting, yeah I enjoyed it. . . It was nice to have that kind of attention." She bowed her head feeling slightly insecure and embarrassed.

"That kind of attention?" Scott asked, confused on what she meant by that.

"If you haven't noticed I don't get flirted with or asked out that often." Y/n explained keeping her gaze down, playing with a loose thread on her jeans.

"Y/n." Scott spoke her name sadly, regretting how he came about and was treating her earlier in this conversation.

"Just forget about it. Okay." She waved him and his impending pity off and got back to studying.

"Y/n." Scott called her name after a few minutes of silence and thought.

"Hmmm" Y/n hummed in acknowledgment.

"I'd flirt with you anytime." Scott smiled sheepishly at her.

"Thanks Scott." Y/n smiled back blushing.

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