How Could You Not Know? - Stiles

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Stiles Stilinski x reader (complicated)

Scott McCall x friend!reader

Derek Hale!brother x sister!reader

Warnings: Nothing

Word count: 922

Author's Note: Simple but it was something Stiles

Summary: Stiles being shocked that your Derek's little sister since you're nothing like him


"Hey Stiles, Scott!" I said as they opened the door

"Whats up y/n" Scott said letting me inside

"Nothing much. I can't stay to long tonight" I told them as we walked up the stairs into Scott's room

"What?! Why not?!" Stiles said, grabbing my shoulders, with a frantic look on his face.

I giggled at how his face looked. "Stiles if I could stay I would. I don't like actually I hate that I have to leave and can't spend the night"

"Why can't you spend the night? You have before." Scott asked putting in the first movie.

"My brother want's me home tonight" I told them honestly. As we sat down at the end of Scott's bed where they had set up pillows, blankets and snacks

"But that's not fair. We could drive you to school tomorrow if that changes his mind." Stiles wasn't wrong both have taken me to school before.

"I don't think it will Stiles. I mean yeah we've done that, this before but with the Alpha's around he want's me home more often." I said in annoyance in my tone considering my brother wasn't being fair.

"But your brother is a werewolf, right?" I nodded "what if they go after him?" Scott asked

"They already have they want him to join them" I said looking at both of them. "I'll stay as long as I can but I do eventually have to leave, sorry guys" I told them. Looking at them with sympathy and sadness in my eyes.

"Don't worry about it we can always do this again" Scott said wrapping an arm around me.

"Yeah we always do so next time" Stiles said moving me into his lap as he scooted closer


Both boy's are like brothers to me so waking up in the position we are in wasn't weird, it was normal for us. We got comfortable last night and laid down. I woke up with my head in Stiles neck and my body on Scott. Hugging both boys hugging me.

When Scott's alarm woke us all up. We realised that we needed to get ready for school, luckily I had left clothes at Scott's last time. Once we got downstairs eating breakfast together. I remembered something.

"Oh shit" I yelped, the boys looked at me.

"What's wrong" they asked at the same time

"We had so much fun last night that I slept over. I was supposed to go home. My phones dead, my brother is gonna be sooo mad and worried." I told them pacing back and forth.

"Well let's get to school you have a portable charger right? Charge it and text him I'm sure he'll understand." Scott said placing a hand on my shoulder trying to calm me down.

"Mine's there but not charged I forgot to take it home and charge it." I said losing hope. Then a lightbulb went off in my head "but lydia has one, I-I could use hers!"

"Then let's go! I'll drive you" Stiles said keys in hand grabbing my hand dragging me to the jeep.


Once we pulled up I got out rushing to the tree me and Lydia always meet at before school. I told her what happened she then got up and dragged me to her locker demanding for my phone. She plugged it in then we headed to our first class.

In between second and third period, all of us meaning Scott, Stiles, Lydia and myself were all talking in the hallway waiting for class.

"Y/n Hale, please come to the office. Y/n Hale please come to the office your brother is here." the secretary in the office said.

"Well I guess my brother is here." Lydia handed me my phone giving me a sympathetic look.

"Good luck" she said, I gave her a small smile. Both of us knowing how my brother can be.

"Wait!" Stiles said grabbing my arm Lydia and I gave them confused looks. Stiles and Scott looked shocked and dumbfounded. Literally there jaws dropped when my name was called.

"Your name is Y/n Hale" he said it more like a question then a statement

"Stiles you've known me for 2 years you know my name is Y/n" I told him

"No, he means, we mean, your a Hale? Your last name is Hale?" Scott asked

"Oh my god you guys we have known her for 2 years and you didn't know her last name was Hale" Lydia said looking at them with the 'are you serious' look.

They both shrugged.

"Wait! Lydia you knew she was a Hale the whole time?!" Stiles said pointing at Lydia

"Yes, boys how could it not connect in your head?" she asked them

"Dudes, I'm always at the loft" I said

"Peter is protective of her" Lydia added

"Derek growls if someone he doesn't like gets to close to her" Isaac said coming out of nowhere

"How we've gone after her to get to derek" the twins said coming up between me and lydia,

"Did everyone know but us?" Stiles asked Scott, turning to him

"I guess so" Scott said to him

"Oh boys I love you but a mad Derek is not a good Derek. You know that, right Stiles" I said smirking to him.

He stuck out his tongue at me and I copy him.

As I walk away after hugging Lydia goodbye.

Me and Isaac walked to the office. Where we were met with a in between angry and relieved look.

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