Its A Boy - Isaac

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Isaac Lahey x Reader

Scott McCall x sister Reader

Warnings: teen pregnancy?

Word count: 514

Requested: TW the reader is Scott sister and she finds out she's pregnant w/ Isaac baby the reader has been dating Isaac for a while now and that the baby is supernatural because she had like a dream or a vision of it telling her. -

Authors Note: hope its how you wanted it



Walking through what seems to be a forest, Y/n followed the light shining through the trees. Then once she got to the end of trees there is a clearing there was a little boy.

"Hey! WHo are you?!" Y/n yelled as she got closer to him. Once she was close enough she could tell something was not normal about him.

As she reached the boy she kneeled down in front of him. That's when Y/n noticed his eyes are glowing gold/amber color. Meaning he is supernatural, werewolf.

"I'm your son mommy. I'm in you." he said smiling poking her stomach.

"I'm not pregnant,I can't be I'm only in highschool." she told him shocked and trying to process.

"My birthdays not till the end of summer mommy. I'm in their." he smiled looking up at Y/n adoringly.

(dream end)

Y/n woke up covered in sweat and gasping for air. She looked around her room recognizing where she is. Then she remembered her dream and moved a hand to her stomach.

So that day after not getting much sleep after the dream. So that morning Y/n Mccall got dressed and went to the nearest Walgreens and got a couple pregnancy test. When she got home she checked the time and Isaac would be coming over soon but she should have enough time to take the test before he does.

Y/n went up stairs to her room across from her twin brother Scotts. Y/n headed into her room and shut the door, once in her bathroom and locked it.

^ ^ ^

After waiting the time it said the teenage girl picked up the test and at that moment in time she knew her dream of the little boy in it was all real so I guess you could say it was more of a vision than dream. Now she's got to tell Isaac.

Suddenly she heard a knock on her bathroom door. Speak of the devil.

"Y/n.You in there?" Isaac asked through the door

"Yeah." she replied, unlocking the door and coming out. "I need to tell you something. I had a weird dream that I'll explain to you and the pack all at the same time cause I don't really want to repeat it. But anyway,I took a test and Isaac... I'm Pregnant."

They both just stood there for awhile. Isaac and kinda paced a bit before saying "Ok, we can do this. We'll raise our baby girl- or boy together."

"Boy" the corner of her lips twitching up

"Wha-what?" he stuttered

"Its gonna be a boy" Y/n stated with a smile

"How do you know? Isn't it to early to know what the gender is?" Isaac asked confused looking down at his girlfriend's stomach then back up at her eyes.

"Yeah its to early but I know cause of my dream vision thing. I'll explain it later." Y/n said quickly before leaning up and kissing him. "Now we have to tell my brother and mom."

"I'm dead" Isaac mumbled into the kiss

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