Don't Hit On My Girlfriend - Jackson

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Jackson Whittemore x reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 458

Summary: Jackson getting jealous when he takes a phone call and sees guys flirting with you before school


"Thanks for picking me up and taking me to school," You said to your boyfriend as you got into his Porsche.

"No problem. Anything to spend more time with you babe." he replied before kissing you

"Oh so you don't just want to get laid?" you asked with sarcasm

"Oh, I do. But that's not the only reason that I love spending time with you" he said tilting his head to the side replying with the same amount of sarcasm.

"That's good to hear" you said

"Although that is like, hmm 50-49% of it" he smirked

You hit him lightly on the arm. You smiled nonetheless, happily knowing your boyfriend, resident bad-boy, doesn't only want sex.

Once you got to school Jackson had to make a phone call so you decided to go talk to a friend and wait with them till he gets off.

Once out of the car and by y/f/n, Jackson dialed the number.

After a few minutes, Jackson noticed that some guys were getting really close to you. And obviously flirting with you. Jackson was getting angrier by the minute. Close to turning red, he wasn't even listening to the person on the other end of the line anymore.

He could tell you were getting very uncomfortable, shifting foot to foot, and fake smiling, even looking to Danny for help. Who was trying to change the subject it looked like but it wasn't working.

Finally, Danny just looked over at him with a 'please man, do something' look.

And thank God he did because Jackson couldn't take it anymore.

"Look I got to go, talk later- bye" and with that, he closed his phone not even waiting for a response.

He got out of his car and walked over to you and the group.

"Hey-" you started to say but got cut-off emeatitally with a very heated, passionate, jealous, and possessive kiss.

Danny smirked and all the guys that were flirting got very uncomfortable and walked away.

As he pulled away he looked very pleased with himself.

"Thank you. So much" you said relieved

"Well, I noticed they weren't taking a hint and they weren't even listening to Danny. Plus you are my girl so they needed a reminder. And you can bet I'm going to show them an example." he is very a possessive person. He has lost a lot and he doesn't want to lose you to.

"Plus I hate seeing that every morning. Every morning and everyday guys flirt with you. I'm sick of it." he sighed after that. He swung his arm around your shoulders. You, Jackson, Danny, and y/f/n turned to walk into school; and you have a feeling you won't be flirted with for a while.

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