Not My Decision - Stiles

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Stiles x reader sister

Derek x reader-ish

Warnings: none

Word count: 1,085

Requested: TW imagine the reader is Stiles sister and u get into an accident and Derek turns u into a wolf and Stiles goes against ur wishes and u get pissed at him for doing so and Peter actually takes care of u -

Authors Note: I enjoyed the concept behind this request, it was ajoy to write. Maybe a Part 2?

"Help!" Stiles yelled out carrying Y/n into the hospital. She was covered in blood and therefore so was Stiles.

"Stiles what happened?" Melissa asked as she called a team over with a gurney.

"Just please help her." Stiles pleaded as he placed her on the rolling hospital bed. He had to watch as they rushed into emergency surgery. Scott had come running in after he had parked the Jeep for his friend. They Both sat down in the waiting room. It didn't take long for the others to hear about what happened and soon pretty much the entire pack were in the waiting room.

Melissa came out a few hours later with a sad expression. "She's stable for now."

"For now?" Stiles asked with extremely worried eyes.

"I don't know how long she'll stay stable for." She hated having to tell Stiles that his sister was basically dieing. Two kids she's known their whole lives and practically considered her own at times.

"Mom?" Scott stood up with eyes that begged his mom to not say what he thought she was going to say.

"Its not looking good, hunny. I'm sorry. We should probably call your dad, Stiles." Melissa bit her lip in solace that they'd probably all have to say goodbye.

"What if I could help? The bite." Derek spoke up, he was very close to the female Stilinski. They were really good friends and if he was being honest he had a bit of a crush on her. Maybe he could save her.

"No. That could still kill her." Scottt shook his head protesting, not liking the idea at all.

Derek shrugged his shoulders, trying not to show how much the possibility of Y/n dying affected him. "I'm just suggesting. It would be better to try then do nothing and lose her anyway."

"That's not what she would want." Scott argued back. Truthfully he didn't know if Y/n would want it or not but she would make comments about how it'd be hard being one would make life. Wasn't that enough? "Stiles, you know that."

"Do it." Stiles didn't care at the moment what anyone thought. He just couldn't lose his sister.


"No Scott." Stiles turned his head to look at his best friend. Stiles glanced down for a second before he continued. "I know it's not what she'd want but I don't have a choice. We don't have a choice. Plus she trust's Derek..."

Stiles knew Y/n probably wouldn't want the bite, not without real thought put into it. But there was more of a chance for her to live. If they don't do it, she dies. If Derek at least tries she might live.

"We have to try. I can't lose my sister, Scott." Stiles pleaded with his eyes.

"If the bite doesn't take, then we still lose Y/n, Stiles." Scott tried one last time, but truth be told Scott did think it was worth a shot. Y/n was like a little sister to him, he didn't want to see her die either.

"At least we tried, because Scott we're gonna lose her anyway if we don't." Stiles stated before turning his attention back to Derek. With a nod he stated. "Do it."

"Follow me." Melissa nodded at Derek and he followed her.

It was around 45 minutes before they came back out of the room. This time their faces looked more relieved.

"She's stable and improving." Melissa smiled, happy to be sharing good news.

"The bite worked?" Lydia questioned the older wolf. Hoping she didn't have to bury another friend.

Derek nodded with relieved eyes. "It worked. I can sense it. Feel it."

After all, she was his beta now.

"Good. Good." Stiles nodded, running his hands through his hair.

"You know she might be pissed." Lydia looked to Stiles with a knowing look.

"Oh she's going to be pissed." Peter stated tauntingly, although he too was glad the girl was going to live. She didn't treat him like the others.

"Then at least I made the decision that saved her life." Stiles knew he made the right decision. But he really just hoped she would eventually forgive him.

Eventually everyone went home to get some sleep. Derek stayed and eventually Mr.Stilinski showed up. He showed up just in time when Y/n woke up. He was in there for a while before he asked Derek to come into the room. Which really made Stiles nervous.

Derek left the room not long before their dad did. The two shook hands and Derek left the hospital. Stiles was finally told by his dad that he could go see his sister. For a while the two siblings just sat in silence. Till Y/n spoke up.

"I'm different now. You made that choice for me." Y/n stated looking down at her hands placed on her lap.

"I didn't have any other choice." Stiles stated back. Y/n nodded in understanding and Stiles was grateful that she did. But he still had a bad feeling.

"I need a break Stiles." Y/n said looking at him with eyes Stiles couldn't dechirer.

"What do you mean?" Stiles asked, confused, now sitting up in his uncomfortable hospital chair.

"I'm going to stay with Peter and Derek for a while. I already talked to dad about it." Y/n explained biting her lip. It wasn't an easy decision for her to have made but she needed space right now, and she needed Derek to help her learn to control her new abilities. Peter too, oddly.

"Y/n-" Stiles tried to interject but Y/n shook her head.

"I need time to adjust Stiles. To get used to my new life, the changes to my body and mind." Y/n told him hoping he'd get why she was doing this. Why she had to do this. Y/n loved her brother but this? She needed time. "I also need time to understand your choice for my future. To calm down and be able to control myself. I don't want to get angry at you and hurt you. You're my brother, we're closer than close Stiles. We alway have been. But right now, I'm afraid I'm gonna hurt you."

"Ok" Stiles couldn't say anything else. She was angry at him and was afraid she'd hurt him because of her anger. Anger at him for the choice he made for her. Even though she was pissed, she was still protecting him.

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