Blue and Red - Scott Mccall

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Scott McCall x reader

Warnings: none

Word Count: 457

Summary: Becoming a True Alpha, but your eyes are Blue and Red

Authors Note: reader does have a little bit of a sad moment where Scott has to cheer her up


"So Deaton do you know why there like this?" Scott asked his father figure as he examined my eyes.

"I might have a couple theories" he said, not in a very convincingly though

"Shouldn't they have turned fully red" Stiles asked

"Yes, they should have" Deaton replied, shining a light in my eyes

"Well then why didn't they?" Stiles asked in an exaggerated tone

"Stiles" Scott said forcefully towards Stiles with the look that said 'shut up'.

"What?! I'm just asking what we're all thinking." Stiles pointed out, and practically yelled.

"Stiles, Scott just means it's not helping." I said to Stiles with a small smile on my lips

"I don't know why. They are both colors it doesn't make sense." Deaton explained.

"How can I be a true alpha anyway? Aren't they rae? The world already has Scott as one it doesn't need me. Plus my wolf eyes are blue and we all know what that means. I can't be a true Alpha." I stuttered out nervously.

"I will look into it. I'll also look into my theories, but till them I'm afraid we've got nothing." he said before walking away

"Thanks Deaton." Me and and scott said at the same time. Before he left the room. Stiles left to go after Deaton not wanting to leave with no information. Leaving me and Scott alone in the room.

"What are we going to do Scott? I-I can't be a true alpha. I can't."

I am scared. I don't want the responsibility of being a true alpha. I can't be one I've killed two innocencents. It's not possible.

"Baby we will figure this out ok? Even if you are a true alpha, that's an amazing thing. It also means that your eyes being blue isn't a bad thing." Scott spoke in a reassuring tone trying to ease me nerves.

"Scott I don't want to be a true alpha.And my eyes Scott, I'm ok with them being blue because of how they became that way. I am glad that I could put my mom and little sister out of there pain. I wear my blue eyes with pride. I don't want to lose them." tears slipped out my eyes.

"Maybe that's why they are both colors."

"My eyes being blue is the only thing I have of either of them I can't lose that." I told him looking him in the eyes. He cupped my face wiping the tears away.

"You won't. They will always be with you. In here." he put his hand over my heart looking me straight in the eyes "Come on let's go home get some rest. You can stay over." he helped me down from the exam table as we left the vets.

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