No Sleep Without You - Scott Mccall

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Scott McCall x readerWarnings: a bit of angstWord count: 783Requested: Can you do a Scott McCall one where you're Bestfriends but after Kira left he always comes into your room in the middle of the night and you get so used to it you can't sleep with out him? Sorry if it's so detailedAuthors Note: summary basically the request, don't worry the more detail the better I can write exactly (near exactly) what you want, love you anon


You and Scott had been friends since 4th grade. You were being made fun of and he and Stiles stood up for you, well as best they could.

Ever since then the 3 of you have been inseparable.

Ever since 8th grade I have had a crush on Scott, but of course Scott wouldn't feel the same way I'm just his best friend.

I've watched him with Alison, and now Kira. Well before Kira left and told him not to wait basically breaking up with him.

Ever since Scott has seeked comfort in me. Every Night he comes to my window and we talked and eventually we fall asleep on my bed together. This has been going on for almost 3 months, every night.

I love every moment of it but I don't know how much more I can take of it. Being so close, acting as if we are in relationship at night then just best friends in the day. It's hard on my heart my emotions.

Then one night was just like any other night. Except I got a text from Scott saying he wouldn't be able to make it tonight.

I thought ok understandable, that night I couldn't sleep no matter how hard I tried.

Then it happened again, the more nights without him the harder and lee sleep in any i got.

By not getting any sleep caused me to almost fall asleep in classes and at pack meetings.

Tonight I just sat on my bed staring at nothing hoping to get some sleep. Honestly I probably look like I'm crazy or drugged.

I heard my window open but I just closed my eyes not wanting to see another illusion or something from the lack of sleep.

"Go away, you're just a hallucination from lack of sleep" I said.

"Y/n, I'm not a hallucination." Scott said walking in front of me cautiously.

I opened my eyes seeing his face. He cupped my face "What's going on,your starting to look like how Stiles did when he was possessed by void" he said looking at how pale I am and the circles under and around my eyes.

"Are-Are you really here?" I asked confused

"Yeah, yeah I'm really here. I take it lack of sleep did this." he said

"Um, yeah, I-I haven't been sleeping well" I told him stuttering

"You use to sleep fine what-" he started but stopped.

"Well, I guess, I can't sleep without you anymore. Kinda got use to it I guess ... I guess I can't sleep without you anymore." I said looking him in the eyes.

After awhile of silence I put my head down.

"Hey, hey, h-hey. I'm sorry this is my fault. I haven't been sleeping here in awhile and I've been busy. I shouldn't have stopped staying the night with you all of a sudden after 3 months straight. I owe you an explanation, but I can't think of one this is worthy for you to hear. An for that I'm sorry, so sorry" he said pulling me into a hug stroking my hair.

I pulled away "you should leave I'm gonna take some pills an try to sleep"

"Wait, wai- sleeping pills? Those can damage your insides. Why are you taking them? Can you really not sleep so bad that you have to take them?" he asked looking at me in the eye holding my hands kneeling in front of me.

"Like I said.We slept in the same bed everything for so long I guess I just can't sleep without you anymore... And I'm sorry I sound so lame. I mean we aren't even together, and-" he cut me off pulling me into a kiss.

As he pulled away he said "Shut up, I like you I have for awhile, it started a week after we started our sleep over thing ... Y/n be my girlfriend?" he asked with his goofy Scott McCall grin.

I smiled nodding pulling each other back into another kiss. We both stand up and kept kissing. Till I lost my balance, and Scott caught me.

"Ok, so i'm gonna lay you down. We both are gonna sleep, all weekend." he said carrying me to my bed setting me down and walked over to the other side of my bed to get in himself. Pulling the sheets over us both, and pulling me into him.

"Thank you Scotty" I mumbled into his chest.

"No problem y/n. I'll always be here for you, always have been." he mumbled into my neck.

With that I actually felt sleep take over me. That was some of the best sleep I have had in a very long time.

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