Forgotten Anniversary (Part 2) - Derek Hale

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Derek Hale x reader

Allison Argent x friend reader

Lydia Martin x friend reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 1054

Summary: Derek feels bad for forgetting and decides to try and make it up to the reader.

Authors Note: This is the last part of this little two parter.


"He seriously forgot?" Allison asked shocked looking over to Y/n who sat on the end of the bed.

"Yeah." Y/n nodded sadly

"I thought it seemed weird that he let the pack over on your anniversary. I'm sorry Y/n." Lydia shook her head in disappointment.

"Me too." Allison shook her head the same as Lydia.

"Eh, thanks, guys. I think he just has so much to deal with, it's easy to forget things like this." Y/n sighed waving them off and the situation as nothing.

"Still." Allison spoke softly

Lydia sighed getting Y/n's attention. "Y/n, I get he has a lot on his mind but that is still no excuse for him to forget something so important."

"I know." Y/n spoke quietly as her voice cracked

"Come on, its Saturday lets make breakfast and go to the mall and do something." Allison suggested hoping to get Y/n's mind off of yesterday's events.

Lydia smiled in agreement. "Yeah, I'm in. I need new shoes anyway."

"Yeah, that sounds like fun." Y/n nodded with a genuine smile.

^ ^ ^

"Woah that looks amazing on you Y/n/n." Allison gasped looking over at her friend.

"Really? You think so?" Y/n asked turning to the side looking at herself in the mirror.

"Most defiantly." Lydia smiled at Y/n to nodding in agreement with Allison.

Y/n smiled "I think I'm going to get it."

Allison added in "You should get those two tops you tryed on to."

"Which two?" Y/ asked turning to face her friends.

"The purple one that hangs off the one shoulder." Lydia spoke looking over her own dress she's trying on in the mirror.

"And the red one with the v-neck neckline." Allison added looking over some earrings on the nearby counter.

"I loved those two to." Y/n smiled thinking back on those two tops she tryed on earlier.

Lydia smiled "of course you did."

"They looked fantastic on you." Allison added to Lydias words

Once they got changed back into their regular clothes they headed back to the checkout. "How much?" Y/n asked the lady behind the counter.

"Oh, nothing sweetie." the lady smiled fondly at y/n.

"What do you mean?" Y/n asked completely confused on what the lady meant.

"A gentleman came up and paid for your stuff already. Before you even go in line." She explained giving Y/n a knowing look. But that just confused Y/n more.

Y/n tilted her head to the side "huh?"

"He said it's part of his apologie. He was very handsome you are one lucky girl." The lady smiled at Y/n before Y/n walked away so she could help the next person.

"What's up? You don't look so good." Allison asked when Y/n walked over joining them by the exit.

"Its nothing just the lady at the checkout." Y/n told as they started walking back into the main part of the mall.

"What?" Lydia pressed, serious now as well.

"Someone had already paid for my stuff." she told the two of them.

"Weird" Lydia mumbled

"Did she say who?" Allison asked

"She said he was handsome and that he said it was part of his apologise." Y/n shrugged her shoulders

"Apologize?" Allison repeated, quirking an eyebrow before Lydia suddenly stopped the two girls.

"What?" Y/n asked Lydia since she seemed to have an idea of who the mystery payer is.

"Who else needs to do some serious apologizing to you?" Lydia smirked

"Derek." Y/n let out a breath in realization.

"Yup" Lydia nodded in confirmation

"Well, he does need to apologize BIG. And that stuff was expensive." Allison reminded

"I guess" Y/n looked down at her shoes. Of course, she wanted an apology but like Allison said the clothes were expensive.

"No, no, no." Lydia tutted at Y/n.

"No?" Allison asked

"No, feeling guilty. He did it because he wanted to. He didn't have to and he did. Ok?" Lydia explained grabbing Y/n's hand in hers.

Y/n nodded "Yeah."

"Now let's go get lunch." Lydia pulled the two along towards the food court.

"Yes, Please." Allison commented with a light laugh.

"I'm starving!" Y/n said agreeing. Deciding to let it go for now, and just have fun.

^ ^ ^

"Are you sure you want to go to the loft?" Lydia asked driving to drop Y/n off after having a full fun day at the mall.

Y/n nodded "Yes. Just drop me off at the loft. I need to talk to Derek."

Lydia sighed "ok."

"Text us how it goes." Allison said as Y/n grabbed all her stuff and exited the car with her stuff.

"I will." Y/n assured laughing a little at how protective they could be.

"Derek?" you home?" Y/n yelled out softly as she entered the empty-looking loft.

"Yeah." Derek spoke softly coming down the stairs.

"Hey." Y/n smiled a small smile at the sight of him. "Thanks for the clothes." She lifted the bag up a bit to show it in her hand.

"Its the least I could do." Derek put his hands in his pockets looking down in shame.

"Der, I get it. Your busy, it's fine." Y/n sat down her stuff and headed over to him.

"No, it's not Y/n/n. I should have remembered. I'm so sorry I didn't" Derek apologized moving his hands from his pockets to her waist.

"How'd you realize it?" she asked

Derek sighed "Peter of all people."

Y/n laughed "That had to piss you off."

"It did. But at least he knew. I can't believe I forgot. And that he remembered out of all people. But I'm gonna make it up to you. I promise." Derek assured pulling Y/n closer to him by her belt loops.

"You don't have-" Y/n started, shaking her head.

"I want to. I had something planned for our anniversary. I still want to do it. If you'll let me." Derek interrupted

"Of course Der." Y/n smiled up at him, leaning into his chest more.

"I love you, Y/n." He stated in a serious tone

"I love you too." She stated back at him, before leaning up to kiss his cheek.

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