A Fling - Liam Dunbar

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Brett x reader (romantic)

Liam x Reader (friend)

Warnings: none

Word count: 554

Summary: Liam being your best friend and you to do anything and everything for eachother and he pretends to have a fling with you so people don't find out you're actually with Brett

Authors Note: Part 2?


"Come on Liam, Please....." y/n begged her best friend since forever

"y/n-" Liam went to say no again but before he could y/n started to talk again

"No, Liam you said-we both always said that we would anything and everything for eachother." she reminded him hoping to change his mind

"But this?" Liam whined

"Liam please... I know you don't like him but I don't know how everyone else will take it." y/n begged

"So I'm basically you guy's cover" he asked

"Yes!" y/n said excitedly at the fact he's catching on to what she's saying

"How does Brett feel about this?" Liam asked not wanting any more trouble with Brett then he already does

"He doesn't like it." she mumbled looking anywhere but him. When she heard Liam gulp she looked up and spoke again. "But I talked him into it." she added quickly

"Talked him into-" looking at her in disbelief

"Yes! He doesn't like it but he understands." she nodded


"Please, please Li. Let's just let the pack think we are a fling."

"ok."Liam gave in never being able to say no to y/n

"Thank you, thank you, thank you. Your the bestest friend ever." y/n jumped on him giving him a giant hug.

"Yeah, ok." Liam returned the hug, still feeling nervous about the situation.

^ ^ ^

"Hey guys" y/n said the pack as she sat down at the lunch table, next to Liam.

"Hey" they greeted back

"How's your day been?" she asked looking at everyone

"Good" Scott said nodding with a smile

"Weird" Stiles replied with squinted eyes

"Look I'm grateful your doing this." she whispered in Liam's ear, low enough for the others not to hear even with there super hearing. Resting her head on his shoulder.

"I know you are I can tell." he smiled at her. Liam's happy he could help her even if its weird. "So how do we do this? I mean your not really with me, how do we do this without Brett... you know,killing me?"

"I told you before he doesn't like it but understands. So really nothing to intimate. No kissing on the lips, obviously nothing more." she explained

"Ok, so like when we were little." Liam stated nodding unconsciously

"Yeah." y/n smiled back

"So what's going on here?" Stiles pointed between the two youngest members of the pack

"Stiles!" Lydia hissed

"What?! We are all wondering it. You two have been weirdly cuddly and touchy-feely." Stiles waved his hands around

"What we can't be close?" Liam asked, wrapping his arms tighter around her waist pulling her more into him.

"No, this is more than close. This, this is something more." Malia agreed with Stiles bluntly

"And what makes you say that?" Liam asked again actually enjoying Stiles' frustrations about them

"Why do you always question me?" Stiles almost yelled

"Says who?!" Liam exclaimed with a smile which grew when he felt y/n laugh into his shoulder.

"Are you two together?" Stiles asked almost turning red

"That's our business" Liam said in a defensive tone

"Damn," y/n said under her breath, but Liam heard it.

"What? Did you want them to know-"

"No, no it's ok. Just the way you answered it, it shocked me." she smirked.

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