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She keeps staring into the mirror and she sees someone else making her to smash the mirror as she looks down to the blood coming from the cuts on her hand. Her mother is pathetic and stupid. She was glad to run away from home. Her friend doesn't even know her true gender.

'Female or Male.' It keeps on just repeating itself in her head. All Might was beside her as he took her under his wings to be a great Heroine, but even he can't help her fight this time and he can only support her as much as he can.

"Look at me,
I may never pass for a perfect bride, or a perfect daughter.
Can it be,
I'm not meant to play this part?

Now I see, that if I were truly to be myself,
I would break my family's heart.
Who is that girl I see, staring straight back at me?

Why is my reflection someone I don't know?
Somehow I cannot hide?
Who I am, though I've tried.
When will my reflection show, who I am, inside?" A male version of herself shows up in the cracked mirror.

"When will my reflection show, who I am inside?" All Might hates seeing her like this as her body fully physically changes and he can't help her. He still remember that day he found her on the very streets and she was still going to school. He raised her. He foster cared her.

Heck! He even wouldn't mind her calling him dad! But it's tough for her. She's also not only suffering from being a Transgender person really, she's also a Hermaphrodite as well since she has both sex organs making it to be harder to tell if she's truly is a female or a male really

He keeps calling them 'they' and 'them' to be respectful. It took him two whole years to get her body to handle his Quirk and that this gave him time to do this right and she didn't care as she won't be in the spotlight cause she's going fully underground really.

She's his new sidekick and she's awesome doing it really. She even helps with the many paperwork and forms really as Sir Nighteyes saw her and was furies with him until he shoved papers into his hands to shut him up really.

He then told him to get out once he dropped them and to never show his face again. All Might was furies with Sir and he let lose fully everything and how he truly feels making Sir to be shaking as he can't believe what he is hearing as All Might wouldn't be like this really.

"Unless it's to apologize to us both, stay out of our lives." All Might didn't have his smile on his face making Sir Nighteye to be scared as he left. Nezu calms him down after that and got her in early. She's home schooled on the very computer and got a lot of college degrees.

She didn't need to take the normal school stuff as she can do the Hero stuff and act as his TA for his own classes as he allows her to wear whatever she feels comfortable with as his TA more than as a U.A student making her to nod as she hugs her pet.

She accidentally summoned him from an anime show and used gemstones to keep him fully anchored to this plane of existences really. His gem was a red Pearl making her to keep him safe and sound really as she doesn't want to lose him ever really.

 His gem was a red Pearl making her to keep him safe and sound really as she doesn't want to lose him ever really

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Kyubey is a small cat-like creature, about 2 feet long (including tail). His entire body is covered in often clean white fur. He has what appears to be four ears; two that resemble an average cat, pointed and up, while the other two appear as long tassel-like appendages that split into three sections at their tip.

The tassels fade from white to pink and have three red dots horizontally before the splits. they also bear a pair of floating golden rings. Kyubeys face is his most well-known feature; two beady pink eyes with ark maroon irises and a tiny, sigma-shaped "cat mouth".

Due to Kyubey's method of telepathic communication, his face remains almost completely immobile with the exception of blinking and consuming food. This unmoving face is often a source of fan stigma involving Kyubey "staring into one's soul".

On his back is an egg-shaped red oval. In timeline 6, this oval flips up, like a trapdoor to act as a receptacle for grief seed fragments really. In the anime show, Kyubey has not been evidenced to bleed, however, when injured, he has red matter underneath his fur.

When he is shot by Homura several times, Kyubey's body does not seem to contain organs, only solid red. Whether this is artistic censorship or an actual attribute of Kyubey's anatomy is yet unknown.

In the anime show, Kyubey's body often makes noises like a plush toy when squeezed or pressed against suggesting that he is soft and cuddly at least physically. In Oriko Magica, Kyubey takes on even more of a "plush toy" appearance than before.

Now, his sharp tipped tassel ears are soft and curved, lacking the pink gradient and red spots. His magical hoops have moved further up his ears and his front legs appear to have shortened. She loves that she brought him to her world.

She keeps him well feed and he 'talks' to her, but he has lost the ability to make contracts and turn her into a Magical Girl which she doesn't mind as he might see a lot of things differently now. He fully agrees and she was happy to have him fully in her life now really.

Transgender Hermaphrodite HeroWhere stories live. Discover now