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Izuka went with Ryukyu with both Ochaco and Tsu making her to be happy, but the minute a child that's female bumps into her with a man following her, Kyubey steps in and attacks making the four to get out of there and fast really.

Kyubey shows up it's own special way as the man didn't follow him really as Ryukyu has Nejire-Chan get the police on the phone as the child is in need of help. Izuka was the only one to calm her down and gentle sing her a lullaby making her to be asleep.

Izuka remembers how she met her three senpais and how she avoids Togata Mirio cause of his connection to Sir Nighteyes making her to ask Hado Nejire if she can help her meet Ryukyu making her to not mind at all as Ryukyu fully enjoys having three new faces really.

Izuka explains a lot and Ryukyu helps as it seems she's still stuck in it making Ryukyu to have her fully choice since it's her heart, her gust and her feelings that she needs to sort out and no matter what the answer is, she will find it fully for herself really.

Izuka nods as Ryukyu has the girls doing a lot and they do fights, but Izuka always has Kyubey scout and then report in making it to work faster and capture the villains a lot faster as well, too making Ryukyu to be happy to have her on her team.

The child woke up and she saw an officer who asked her why the man was chasing after her making her to explain everything making Izuka to gently place her onto Ochaco's lap as everyone saw her having a hard time breathing and she left the room.

"She just needs some time. She's having a hard time gasping how a man so curl could harm such a innocent child like you like this." She nods as she looks worried towards Izuka who went outside and used the Voice card on herself as she screams.

She screams and screams until she knows her voice is back as she stops making Ryukyu to be by the door as she warns Endeavor about this making him to thank her and ask to keep an eye on her as his son went with him again since he needs more control over his fire side really.

Izuka didn't realized that she has a new gem guardian and it's hugging her making her to accept it as she cries until she was asleep and hiccupping making it to pick her up and didn't noticed Ryukyu cause she wasn't a threat to his mistress really.

Everyone saw the dragon-kin as he carries her in and placed her near the child as she cuddles her close to her chest making her to fall asleep as well, too making many to sigh as the child was worried about her really which wasn't a good thing really.

Izuka woke up and she saw Nezu was near her face as she looks confused until she saw the very dragon-kin as he looks a lot like Acnologia's dragon form, but why was confusing making her to be confused really as she doesn't understand really and then was more confused as he went human.

"I am Acnologia, just in my slim human form since your powers is stronger than my own. It allows me to go into four different forms really." She nods as she has read a lot of mangas and comics to go with them and she didn't think she'll summon the great Acnologia as a gem guardian really making her to apologies.

"Don't. I saw your memories and I don't like what the child had went through. I'll help you out with this as that man needs to die and not go to jail really." Ryukyu agrees and she will leave it to him as she plans to help Sir Nighteyes out, but Izuka doesn't want to see him fully again and asked if she can stay in her Heroine costume.

Ryukyu agrees, but then phones All Might who explains everything making Ryukyu to fully understand as she made sure Izuka isn't allowed to remove her mask at all really as Acnologia went into his own very mini-dragon form to go there as the child is staying at U.A with Nezu.

He was going to test her IQ and Izuka had asked Kero to be her bodyguard with Nezu explaining to Eri, the child's name what the IQ test is and doesn't try to hide anything from her really for her sake as Izuka went to the meeting making both Ochaco and Tsu to do the same.

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