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A woman of twenty-five was looking down from the rooftop with a man making them to have two small animals near by as they looked out making them to see a lot of villains roaming around like they own the place really.

"Let's just deal with them. We have babies to get back to." The woman said as she spins a staff on her left hand and then she had a pair of butterfly wings on her back as the man sighs knowing that they aren't the same anymore as he has giant feathered wings coming from his back.

"Let's go." They battles the villains and then had them chained and locked making the police to deal with them fast and left the area. Both went to their home which is a penthouse house which in on top of a apartment building that they own with friends below them really.

They got home and had their little ones run into their arms as they hug them. Their older ones knew what caused the changed and kept it a secret as they do a lot of fake emotions now to keep the little ones happy and not know what happened to them.

"The babies are in their bouncy chairs and watching Dora, the Explorer really."

"Thanks, Eri. Kota, did you finish your homework?" The woman asked.

"Yes, mama. Eri, Mahoro and Katsuma also did theirs, too. ... Will everything go back to the way things were before this out break of villains showed up?" The woman looks towards him.

"I'm not quiet sure, Kota. It seems they are happening in other countries as well and Britian is the worse one great. You're auntie Kacchan had to go with your Uncle Kirishima and aunty Ashido as her back-up."

"They sent a letter. It seems uncle and aunties had to kill a lot of those villains unfortunately. They did share on the Hero sites what they found. I'm glad it has a code that only Heroes know and you're the one who keeps changing it every Sunday really, mama." The woman nods.

"Did you have supper?"

"I made Katsudon with Soba for you two while we had left over pizza. The babies had some formula milk."

"Shush now, Katsuma. They're asleep right now." Eri shushes her brother as they went to bed and both their parents have a week off cause of them over working near their home really. Far too many villains for their taste really which their friends agreed with.

"Off to bed. We'll get the little ones for you guys." The man said as the two adults kissed them each on the forehead before they went to bed and then they went to tuck the little ones into bed. The woman sighs and she looks into the sole hall mirror.

Bags under the dark green eyes, emotionless eye staring back at her, sunken cheeks a bit and some scares making her to also have uneven hair cause of a villain. Her husband is the same, but the very scares are on his back and chest really.

"How did we change from our past selves into this, Shoto? I don't even recognize myself anymore. Not to mention we're emotionless and have to fake it really." Her very husband hugs her as he feels the same.

"I feel the same way, Izuka. If only the out break of villains didn't happen, this wouldn't of been us." Shoto and Izuka had grown-up and stayed married, but the very problem is... There is more villains than there should be.

It's making them to be the Number One and Two heroes of Japan making them to carry this burden on their own until they're friends managed to catch up and took over the Number Three to fifty-one spot.

It's now the Number Fifty Top Hero list making it far easier as Hitoshi is below them at Number Fifty-two and is trying to keep others away from them really. He's still the very Number One Underground Hero, but he helps them out a lot really.

Izuka gave birth two more times while Shoto gave birth four times since Izuka last got pregnant by her English Teacher when she was fifteen-years-old really. Shoto still wants to kill that bastard to this day really. Endeavor is worried about them cause of their state.

Touya and Hawks had fourteen children and is stopping there really making them to help out as much as they can, but Rei, Fuyumi and Natsuo are the ones who does more of the worrying the most as Natsuo helps in the hospitals.

Izuka gave up the Sakura Cards and the Staff to Shoto the moment that they got kidnapped making him to use them more as Izuka uses the Clear Cards more so really. The next morning, Bakugou with Mina and Kirishima were at the door really.

"We had to come back, guys." Ashido Mina said as she pants heavily.

"We figured out with others why there is a lot of villains." Kirishima Eijiro said as he too pants heavily.

"The fucking reason there is soo many fucking villains is because they were fucking children fully abandoned and fucking no one knew where they fucking were and more fucking importantly, they are fully fucking looking for Deku to fucking make her their fucking new mom.

They're fucking drawn to her, no matter what fucking state she is fucking in. Heck! She could be fucking pregnant and they still would fucking make her their fucking new mom!" Bakugou Katsuki said as she was also, too panting, but not heavily really.

"I see... That would explain it. I'm not going to be their new mother. I can understand how they feel, but they could have gone to the police instead, but didn't like someone or something told them not to. This we need to look into and fast. Britain alright?"

"Yeah. We stayed so long to make sure they had enough good old U.A training really. I think that Nezu-san rubbed off on all of us really." Kirishima said and Izuka nods.

"Take four days off and then we're calling a meeting." They nod and left as Izuka sighs as this isn't right making her to look up at her very own children, both biological and adopted as she loves them no matter what and can't feel the need to abandon them really.

Shoto was the same as he holds her making them to wonder how this mess had even happened to have so many abandoned children become villains like this really. They know they got a lot of work to do, but for now, they of a lot of work to do as parents first really.

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