Capture of the L.O.V

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Izuka and Shoto with Touya went undercover to capture the L.O.V and to stop All For One really. Izuka changed her hair with a wig to look like someone else making Shoto to use his ice side only really and they can't have their familiars near them.

Zika is the name Izuka is going to be using really as Shoto is going to use Jack Frost for his really. Touya will make it look like they got his attention and they accepted making Shigaraki to accept them both in really. Izuka pretended to be mute really.

It took time as Shoto almost lost his wig and he dyes it blue with white eye colored contracts as to make him to look blind and that Zika is his girlfriend and minder making it to be fine for them to stay in the same room. Izuka went for red eye colored contracts.

Her wig was black making it to work as she holds a knife more dangerously than Himiko making her to scare many as it did take her four months to learn how Belphegor from KHR even did that really as she has finally got it fully packed down really.

They took out Spinner, a fan of Hero Killer: Stain and made sure he was knocked out and handed over. Shigaraki was pissed as he doesn't like this making Izuka to go meekly and scared which made Touya to get her out with Shoto really.

"This is bad. Good thing Hawks gave a small hand and got him to the police for us." Izuka can't keep this up after Twice and Himiko got taken out really as she saw that Shigaraki's getting pissed about this and is getting ready to murder  someone.

"Zika, you're with me on this one. JF, stay here." Izuka can't do this one alone and had to do as he says making her to feel sick in her stomach, but kept it back really. Shoto was shocked mentally shocked as Touya shouts fully at Shigaraki.

"You asshole! Both of them had never murdered anyone yet! I'm quiet surprised that Zika held it in like she did!" Hawks took her to the bathroom to throw-up as Shoto was the same not just twenty minutes ago. Shigaraki was shocked as he looks at her.

Shigaraki was the last member to go of the L.O.V before All For One had showed up making it harder, but Izuka managed to fool him long enough and placed Quirk Cancelling hand cuffs onto him as Shigaraki was blind folded really.

"I see..." He didn't even sound mad at her, but contain as if he had expected this to happen before she felt his hand on her head and then nothing as she blacked out. She woke up inside of the hospital and she flips as she has All For One now and it merged with One For All.

'All for One, One For All Quirk...' All Might was there and she hugs him worried making him to hug her back as this is not a good thing for this to happen to her.

"It's not your fault." She nods as Shoto is fine and is waiting for her which she nods and runs into his arms as Touya is fully safe from Tartarus really. Izuka and Shoto talks to Hound Dog and doesn't like how easy it is to kill.

"The eyes... The stare..." Class 1-A and 1-B just knocks the wall down in between their classrooms and made it bigger as they did a large sleep-over in the school making them to smile as both understood they need this. Nezu and the many teachers saw this making them to smile at the site.

"Let's leave them be."

"Nezu-san... No more undercover missions for us please. I don't think we can handle it." Izuka said as she needs him to know this which he accepts and will put it on their file for the future really. He ain't going to force them to do it.

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