Hero vs Villain

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She has Kyubey fully on her right shoulder as Shoto has Kerberos on his left shoulder. In his borrowed form, Cerberus resembles a lion cub or rather a stuffed animal or a plush toy with yellow-orange fur, big ears and small, white wings.

However, his true form is that of a huge, tawny mane-less lion or a cougar with enormous angelic white wings and a breastplate and helmet of metal, studded with a large, red, precious stone. Izuka accidentally did it again and chose a ruby for him really.

Shoto has him registered as his familiar for school making Kero to agree to it as he plays games and they learn to use those moves for their Quirks. Izuka's Quirk is Gem Familiar. It also her to use a lot of gemstones to host familiars and battles with them.

Izuka and Shoto went for those clothing as their Hero costumes really. Kero was shocked at why the two had choosing those two clothing for their Hero costumes really making him to wonder if they were different as Izuka fully doesn't have a human guardian to counteract him really.

 Kero was shocked at why the two had choosing those two clothing for their Hero costumes really making him to wonder if they were different as Izuka fully doesn't have a human guardian to counteract him really

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Shoto loves it as it's perfect for him as he changed the colors to red and white while he had it looking like there's ice with a large flicking fire inside of them before reversing to fire with unmelting ice inside of the fire which Izuka had made...

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Shoto loves it as it's perfect for him as he changed the colors to red and white while he had it looking like there's ice with a large flicking fire inside of them before reversing to fire with unmelting ice inside of the fire which Izuka had made for him really.

She has the colors changed to her own colors really. Green, red and yellow with four pouches that are underneath the jacket part of it to hold her gems to fully summon her familiars wherever they are really. Both also have masks that covers over their eyes with eye holes to see through that is a mix of their colors.

Shoto has a fiery red blending into icy blue while Izuka has green blending into red before the red was blending into the yellow. Between the three colors are the blended colors which is brown and orange. Shoto's blended color was magenta really.

It's what blue and red makes, but what about fiery red and icy blue? Most likely a fiery magenta or a icy magenta really making Shoto to leave it really making All Might to love their costumes really and the masks making them to both blush really.

Everyone else showed up and they were fully shocked at what the two of them are wearing as they were still blushing really. Kero and Kyubey were there as this is perfect to see what they can do really. Kero will go with Shoto and Kyubey is with Izuka really.

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